Who is Ryan Routh, and why was he chosen to play the staring role in this latest political drama?
This is what we in the field of deep state journalism refer to as a “Known Wolf” (as opposed to a Lone Wolf, a term which the CIA likely inserted into the US lexicon alongside the clarion classic ‘conspiracy theory’).
So here is a the latest ‘Daily Shooter’ to target Trump, a curious character named Ryan Routh, and as we will show you here, he is hardly incidental in this story. Routh could be many things, but let’s just go with the general… pic.twitter.com/V07ayS6yw3
— Patrick Henningsen (@21WIRE) September 16, 2024
21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen writes on X:
So here is a the latest ‘Daily Shooter’ to target Trump, a curious character named Ryan Routh, and as we will show you here, he is hardly incidental in this story. Routh could be many things, but let’s just go with the general heading of “Assets, Informants, Dupes & Other Useful Idiots”. Below is a video he features in, in what is clearly a planted story/interview for Newsweek Romania, filmed in Kiev, in June 2022. Undoubtedly, this was part of a US intelligence op, or forward information operations intending to promote the idea of a ‘spontaneous grassroots recruitment drive’ for soldiers of fortune to go and ‘fight the good fight’ in Ukraine, an Operation roughly modeled after the International Brigades in Spain in 1930’s, and not unlike similar CIA-led Astroturf recruitment for NATO and Gulf backed ‘Mujaheddin’ foreign fighters in Syria (2011-2019). For those who are not aware, US outlets like Time Magazine & Newsweek have been traditionally used by CIA for propaganda and limited hangouts for international audiences – especially for active US-UK covert action theatres like Syria & Ukraine. The Ryan Routh story is yet another prime example of this. Based on this, then it’s not a stretch to conclude that he is most likely an asset or useful idiot who was on the books to be deployed for specific roles, this latest incident in Florida being his swan song…
Award-winning investigative journalist Jon Rappoport believes there is much more than meets the eye with this latest scripted assassination attempt…
Jon Rappoport writes at Substack…
Ryan Routh, the would-be assassin, has an extensive criminal history. He was arrested more than 70 TIMES, from 1996 to 2014.
In 2002, he was convicted of possession of a fully automatic machine gun, after a stand-off with police in North Carolina.
Time in prison for that 2002 conviction?
According to press reports, NO TIME. ZERO. He was placed on probation.
In fact, for the 70 charges and the convictions for bad checks, receiving stolen goods, drugs, weapons, vehicular violations…Routh apparently received either a total of NO TIME in prison or a very minor amount of time. I can’t find out which. Either way, it makes no sense.
And THAT’S a major red flag. What the hell was going on with this guy and his relationship with law enforcement all those years?
And oh, by the way, the charge of possessing an automatic machine gun is called “possessing a weapon of mass destruction.” That’s how serious courts and judges consider it. Plus Routh resisted arrest at the time. And yet, NO prison sentence. Only probation.
OK, so this guy is a “special person.” Very special.
Was he specially connected to big-time people? To some federal agency that had plans for him?
Then we have Routh’s efforts to recruit men from various countries, including Afghanistan, to fight for Ukraine, in the “Legion,” a military group connected to Ukraine Ground Forces. And his apparently close ties to the Ukraine military. Independent reporters understandably infer that, during his time in the Ukraine, Routh was in contact with US military and intelligence.
So let’s see—military/intelligence connections; treated with astonishing kid gloves by law enforcement for more than a decade; placed on a golf course to assassinate Trump.
Starting way back in 1996, was Routh being groomed to be an assassin? A patsy?
And that’s why he was kept out of prison?
At the time of this writing, we’re being told an interesting story, to say the least. Remarkably, on the golf course, a Secret Service agent happened to spot the end of Routh’s weapon stupidly sticking out of the bushes along the long line (?) of the woods.
The agent fired shots at Routh, Routh fled, and there happened to be a witness right there who took a snapshot of Routh’s car and the license tag, and contacted police. Otherwise, law enforcement could still be searching for an unknown person.
If this whole story-line was planned ahead of time, what was the purpose? To kill Trump? To stage an almost-assassination, and have the patsy caught?…
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