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Trudeau Planning Use of ‘Emergency Powers’ to End Freedom Protests – CBC

Trudeau and the Truckers

With few cards left to play after several weeks of disgraceful comments aimed at Canada’s working class and the growing freedom convoys, PM Justin Trudeau has reportedly told his cabinet and provincial leaders that he’ll pursue invoking “The Emergencies Act” to end protests in Ottawa and across the country, according to a new CBC report.

The Emergencies Act, which was updated in 1988 to replace The War Measures Act, gives the Canadian government ‘extraordinary but time limited powers’:

  • Contingent upon Parliament approval
  • Subject to protections under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  • Can be used for public welfare, public order, international and war emergencies
  • Government prohibited from taking control of the police forces

There’s also speculation that Trudeau could use the act to clear Ottawa’s streets and other roadways across the country by ordering any company with the capacity to provide such a service to do so, in exchange for compensation:

The irony of the current situation in Canada is stark:

Will Trudeau use these emergency powers to now go ‘full fascist’ on the Canadian people? 

READ MORE CANADA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Canada Files





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