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Canadian PM Justin Trudeau and Family Go Into Hiding, Fearing Freedom Convoy in Ottawa

According to new reports, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his family have been moved to a secret location, citing fears of large numbers of protestors and Canadian truckers descending on the capital city of Ottawa this weekend, protesting against the government’s increasingly unpopular vaccine mandates.

According to national broadcaster CBC, Trudeau and his family has fled the city amid ‘security concerns’ as thousands continue to pour into the Canadian capital.

When asked by the press about what specific threats, if any, were made – the PM’s office could not comment ‘for security reasons.’

The Prime Minister’s popularity has steadily plummeted following the government’s insistence on enforcing vaccine mandates and adopting an official policy of medical segregation for the country’s 38 million residents.

As the country’s corporate mainstream media continues to report the Freedom Convoy 2022 as a ‘fringe’ and ‘extremist’ event, the Canadian Parliament’s Sergeant-at-Arms has also injected the talking point into the media that pro-freedom demonstrators could possibly show up at the homes of government officials.

A defiant Trudeau has already condemned the growing anti-mandate movement across the country as the work of a small fringe minority who are holding “unacceptable views,” and who apparently do not share the same views as Canadians “who follow the science.”

The Freedom Convoy rally was initially triggered by widespread outrage over Trudeau’s authoritarian vaccine mandate directives and the imposition of government coercion targeting cross-border truckers. As a result, the trucker’s protest has garnered widespread support from anti-vaccine mandate groups across the country who are demanding an immediate end to Trudeau’s medical apartheid policies and are also demanding his resignation as Prime Minister.


READ MORE CANADA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Canada Files



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