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INTERVIEW: Is There Any Real Scientific Basis for the ‘Global Pandemic’?

Since the COVID crisis began last winter, few medical professions have dared to challenging the prevailing mainstream orthodoxy surrounding the ‘global pandemic’ narrative, or interrogate widely held assumptions regarding the actual scientific basis for unprecedented ‘lockdown’ measures, social distancing, mass testing, mandatory masks, school closures and mass vaccinations. At the centre of all of these New Normal policies is the notorious PCR testing regime which was never designed as a diagnostic tool, and yet, it’s been deployed in that capacity since the crisis began. One year on, why are governments and mainstream media still ignoring this critical issue?

Dr Kevin Corbett PhD is retired medical professional who received his MSc Nursing from King’s College London (1989), a Post-graduate Certificate of Education, University of Greenwich (1997) and his PhD in Social Sciences from London South Bank University (2001).

Watch this highly insightful, informative and comprehensive interview conducted by Planned Illusion with guest Dr Kevin Corbett. Watch:

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