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Orwell’s Child: The Integrity Initiative Expands, Creating the ‘Expose Network’

New leaks reveal a UK-funded program called the EXPOSE Network, which claims to want to “upskill” existing “counter-disinformation” organisations across Europe and beyond by offering money in the form of grants, as well as training – all coordinated under the supervision of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UK FCO).

This latest discover comes amid the recent document dump from the British state-funded ‘NGO’ known as the Integrity Initiative, new revelations detail the creation of a new European-wide network of existing organisations presently working in Europe’s new (and lucrative) disinformation’ industry  to counter so-called Russian propaganda, new leaks reveal.

READ MORE: Integrity Initiative: £10mn in UK govt funding for ‘network of NGOs’ to combat Russia

So the operative question here has to be: just what about this entire program is not Orwellian?

Perhaps even more concerning is the fact that these documents also reveal a plan to dispatch spies abroad in order to ‘test the capabilities of potential agents’ and then report that data to the UKFCO – raising the Integrity project up to the level of state-sponsored physical espionage where the target could invariably end up being the domestic populations of the UK and Europe.

Watch as RT International’s Donald Courter reports on this latest story:

21st Century Wire Integrity Files




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