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Archives for February 2019

PARKLAND REVISITED: Known Wolves, Astroturfing and the Politics of Mass Shootings

Shawn Helton | Another in a long line of spectacular mass shootings in America – where media and political forces eclipse the crime itself.

Bibi Netanyahu Indicted by Israeli AG on Charges of Bribery, Fraud and Corruption

21WIRE | The decision marks the first time in Israel’s history that a serving prime minister faces faces criminal charges.

A Warmonger’s Pay-Off: Nikki Haley to Land Board Seat at Boeing Corp

21WIRE | More proof that shilling for war is still a very lucrative business.

Murray: UK Gov Labeling Hezbollah Movement as ‘Terrorist’ is Going Too Far

Craig Murray | Hezbollah has never been implicated in any terrorist attack on the UK, and yet both their political party and their paramilitary wings have been labeled as terrorist group by the UK government.

In Washington, Regime Change Is Truly and Urgently Needed!

Andre Vltchek | Shout LONG LIVE VENEZUELA! But with our hands, muscles and purses, not just with our mouths.

Juan Guaido: ‘A Traitor to His People’

Radio Havana | Guaidó showed his true colors when he tearfully called for a military intervention against his own country.

Bernie: ‘The Magic Socialist’

CJ Hopkins | Voters should just relax, sit back and don’t worry – Bernie will fix everything.

Venezuela FM: ‘U.S. Coup Has Failed, Now the Washington Looking for War’

Democracy Now | Washington’s attempted coup over the weekend has failed, but the US will not give up in their plan to trigger a civil war in the embattled nation.

BREAKING: Pakistan Shoots Down 2 Indian Jets Inside PK Airspace, India Retaliates

21WIRE + South Front | This incident come at a time of heightened political tensions for both of these two Asian nuclear powers.

UKC Extra Time: ‘Tony Blair & The Art of Sabotage’

21WIRE.TV | This week’s special bonus segment available for Members.

Jimmy Dore: In Defense of Tulsi and Condemnation of Meghan McCain

The Jimmy Dore Show | US presidential candidate faces off against the offspring of America’s most notorious warmonger.

RUSSIA: Western Sanctions Send a Dangerous Message

Tony Kevin | Opposition to U.S hegemonic designs have brought China and Russia closer than ever before.

UK COLUMN: Venezuela False Flag Folly, Little Marco Loses It, UK Declares Hezbollah ‘Terrorist Org’

UK Column News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen break down the early week news round-up.

Will the US Really Intervene Militarily in Venezuela?

Patrick Henningsen | A discussion on how Washington might proceed in fomenting unrest and toppling the Maduro government.

Marco Rubio Sends ‘Bloody Gaddafi’ Tweet, ‘High on Imperialism’ and Still on Twitter

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | ‘Little Marco’ Rubio is running around like a cowboy threatening people in Venezuela.

REMEMBERING: Jewish Extremist Settler Killed 30 Palestinians in Hebron

Robert Inlakesh | Robert Inlakesh and Richard Sudan commemorate the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre with a raw and unscripted analysis of the Palestinian struggle and its current predicament.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The Secret Life of Timothy McVeigh’ (2015)

SUNDAY SCREENING | What if everything you have been told is a lie?

VENEZUELA: Washington’s Masked Thugs Foment Unrest at Border, False Flags & Fake News

21WIRE + RT International | Quite possibly the most poorly executed and obviously clandestine ‘regime change’ attempt yet by Washington’s economic hit men.

Episode #269 – ‘Say Hello to My Little Friend’ with guest Basil Valentine & more

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Netanyahu’s Slide Towards ‘Jewish Fascism’ Should Shock Americans

21WIRE | Netanyahu has been forced to do an electoral deal with Israel’s most extreme racists – a development which should shock American Jews.

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