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A Warmonger’s Pay-Off: Nikki Haley to Land Board Seat at Boeing Corp

Is there really a revolving door between Washington and the defense industry? Does this compromise the integrity, ethics and objectivity of government officials in the US?

A 2016 report by The Project On Government Oversight (POGO) revealed the extent to which former high-ranking Department of Defense officials had entered the defense industry within two years of leaving the Department. They became lobbyists, board members, executives or consultants for the very same defense contractors they were seeking procurement from. Why? Because of their influence at the Pentagon – which was being used to win contracts for their new employers.

See a brief summary of the 645 page report here. Its findings are clear:

“This breeds a culture where government officials are subservient to contractors and people who question costs or performance are told to stop rocking the boat lest they be retaliated against professionally.”

It’s not only the DoD which has a permanent revolving door into the Military Industrial Complex, it’s also the rife throughout the Cabinet, Congress and Senate.

This week, one of America’s largest defense firms, Boeing Corp, announce it has tapped none other than former UN Ambassador and South Carolina governor, Nimrata ‘Nikki’ Haley as a member of its board of directors.

This can only be for one reason – that Boeing can count on Haley to lobby for a bigger share of the taxpayers’ defense pie, and for more interventionist wars and illegal occupations overseas. The Hill reports…

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has been tapped to join Boeing’s board of directors, the company announced Tuesday. 

Boeing Chairman and CEO Dennis Muilenburg welcomed Haley’s nomination, lauding her “outstanding record of achievement in government, industry partnership, and successfully driving economic prosperity for communities in America and around the world.”

Haley, who served as ambassador to the U.N. under President Trump from January 2017 until December, said it was an honor to represent the largest aerospace company in the world.

“It’s an honor to have the opportunity to contribute to Boeing’s continued success as a cutting edge industry leader and a great American company,” she said in a statement.

Haley, who served as governor of South Carolina prior to joining the Trump administration, announced her resignation in October. She wrote in her resignation letter that she was looking to take a “step up” in the private sector.

“Boeing will benefit greatly from her broad perspectives and combined diplomatic, government and business experience to help achieve our aspiration to be the best in aerospace and a global industrial champion,” Muilenburg said in a statement.

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