CCTV image shows Spencer Stone (long sleeve white shirt) throwing a punch in a drunk fight which ended in him being stabbed.
21st Century Wire
The media is bracing itself for what looks like a new saucy chapter in this past summer’s Greatest American Hero story.
We’re told that late on Wednesday evening, Airman first class and recent recipient of a Purple Heart from the White House, Spencer Stone, 23 yrs old, one of the three Americans who helped foil an alleged attack on a French train in August, has been hospitalized after a fight in which he is said to have been stabbed repeatedly.
According to Sacramento Deputy Police Chief Ken Bernard, Stone was out drinking with four other friends, one male and three females, before a fight broke out with another group, ending in Stone being stabbed at approximately 12.46am.
Police reports also state that Stone is in ‘stable condition’ today and was being treated for “non life-threatening but very significant injuries.”
Police are said to be looking for two adult Asian males involved in the brawl, who fled in a Toyota Camry.
The mainstream media seemed very careful in their wording of the incident today, with all the news wires calling it a “nightlife-related incident”, and of course added the usual fear-propaganda caveat stating that “this is not being investigated as a terrorist act”. No kidding.
While reporting on the incident today, CNN’s Jason Caroll described the altercation in “what looks like a bar in Sacramento…”. As it turned out, it wasn’t a bar.
If reporter Caroll had done a quick google search he would have quickly discovered that the ‘bar’ which he was referring to was actually a night club. Local FOX News affiliate places the fight “Sacramento’s No.1 Gay Night Club”, FACES, while the Sacramento Bee is saying that it was at another gay club called Badlands. Both venues are located on K Street at the heart of the city’s gay nightlife area.
Below is a screenshot from FACES website:
‘FACES’: American hero Stone was enjoying a night out at Sacramento’s premier gay night club.
Watch this video of Stone in gay club brawl which silled out into K Street:
This latest incident adds an interesting new twist to ‘Let’s Roll Part Deux’, the heroic Paris Train storyline and the three new American heros, Spencer Stone, Alek Skarlotos and Anthony Sadler.
Although no gay reference has been made in the media to date, based on Stone’s latest incident at this Sacramento gay club, could it be possible that the three young men of Paris fame fall into the LGBT social category?
‘TOURING’: Three attractive young men, Alek Skarlotos, Spencer Stone (middle) and Anthony Sadler, together on a European ‘R&R’ adventure (Image: Facebook)
In the larger context of the Paris Train story of heroism, whether or not Spencer Stone is gay is neither here nor there. The bigger question then is: if he is indeed gay, then why would the media be so keen to conceal the sexuality of this American hero?
Moreover, the natural follow-on question then would be: are all three Paris train men gay, traveling together on a leisure tour of Europe?
Is it because the image and narrative of military American hero does not mix well with the LGBT, or ‘gay’ narrative? Judging by the absolutely brutal treatment received by US Army whistleblower Bradley-Chelsea Manning at the hands of the United States government and President Obama, and by the US media too – it’s safe to say that military circles are not too comfortable with acknowledging gays within their ranks, especially those who are regarded in the media as “American heroes” in the great War on Terror.
BOY’S NIGHT OUT: Stone enjoying a evening of Sauvignon blanc with three pals. (Image: Facebook)
After being showered with media praise, the three heroes were then summoned to the Oval Office for a meeting with President Barack Obama who called them “the very best of America.”
Stone is said to have subdued the gunman and attended to the wounded and also tied up the gunman – all at the same time. If true, it was indeed a heroic act and certainly deserving recognition, but other aspects of the story appear to have been over-hyped and embellished by a media and governments who are desperate to feed the flagging War on Terror narrative. Much was made about the gallant act in Paris and how Stone and his holiday companions had “saved countless lives from a terrorist attack” even though it could not be proven the alleged assailant was a terrorist – and worse – it was revealed that the gunman’s AK-47 had jammed and that he had not known how to fix it. These facts have been routinely swept under the rug by the media.
According to Air Force Times, the Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James was “saddened” to hear that Stone was involved in the last night’s incident. She said, “Many of you know that he risked his life weeks ago to save many lives during a French train attack,” James wrote. “The circumstances for today’s incident are under investigation by the local law enforcement. Meanwhile, please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.”
Police already confirmed that alcohol was involved in last night’s gay club bust-up:
Update: The assault incident is not related to a terrorist act. Assault occurred near a bar, alcohol is believed to be a factor.
— Sacramento Police (@SacPolice) October 8, 2015
Meanwhile, teddy bears are being placed outside the nightclub, apparently for Stone, as pictured here on Twitter…
Spencer Stone stabbing: a man just put teddy bear next to dried blood stain, walked away, declined to talk
— Tony Bizjak (@TonyBizjak) October 8, 2015
In another amazing coincidence, Stone’s fellow hero in Paris, Alek Skarlatos just happens to be from Roseburg, Oregon – the very scene of last week’s deadly ‘mass shooting’ at Umpqua Community College. As was pointed out in the recent Daily Shooter report, Skarlatos, an Army National Guardsman, has been transformed into a contracted TV celebrity, now appearing on one of America’s most popular shows, “Dancing with the Stars”.
As part of his newly contracted celebrity duties, Skarlatos appeared on the Ellen Show, earlier this week alongside with his dancing partner Lindsay Arnold, where he describes how lucky he was not to be on campus at Umpqua Community College the day of the event:
“I would’ve been there today if I didn’t agree to do this show,” Skarlatos said. “I had classes picked out and everything.”
It’s clear that Skarlatos has now been firmly implanted as a “celebrity” in the US media, and like all mainstream celebrities, he’ll be expected to function as a media commodity for the Establishment – and will be used to sell various products, social issues and narratives through TV and super-market magazine stands. If Stone and Skarlotos are indeed celebrities (and public military symbols at that), then it’s very possible that they might also fall under the celebrity code, partially revealed last week by Hollywood star Matt Damon. The movie star admitted that celebrities are better off “in the closet” and hiding their sexuality because when you are an asset of the industry, you’re expected to appear a certain way in public even though this might be the complete opposite of who they really are in real life. Said Damon in an rare moment of Hollywood honesty:
“… I think you’re a better actor the less people know about you, period,” he continued. “And sexuality is a huge part of that. Whether you’re straight or gay, people shouldn’t know anything about your sexuality because that’s one of the mysteries that you should be able to play.”
When American heroes become celebrities – as in the case of the Paris Heroes, then one might assume that they would be expected to uphold a certain image, so as not to tarnish the pre-packaged ‘military hero’ narrative.
SEE ALSO: ‘Let’s Roll’ Part Deux: American Heroes Thwart ‘Random ISIS Attack’ in Paris
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