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Russia, Belarus, France, Greece: The World Rebels Against Wall Street Rule

21st Century Wire says…

In a world plagued by economic depression, certain states are beginning to take measures against the financial oligarchy.

In this hour long discussion on Guns and Butter with Bonnie Faulkner, Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley discusses the terrorist events in Paris as being a response to Hollande’s rebellion against Western policy norms. He also talks about Belarus introducing capital and exchange controls, in an attempt to take control of the nation’s economy and prevent capital flight. Moreover, we hear of how an anti-austerity party in Greece, Syriza, is threatening to take power and shift the economic conversation in Europe towards development; as opposed to pandering to IMF demands.

Listen to the discussion here.

Find more of Dr. Tarpley’s work here on Tarpley.net

LISTEN TO MORE ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS AT: The Sunday Wire Radio Show with Patrick Henningsen



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