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Co-Ed Bathrooms in California Schools: Extremist Liberal Social Engineering?

21st Century Wire says…

California has reclaimed its position as the social engineering capital of North America, passing a new law which will allow students K -12 to ‘decide’ what gender they would like to be at any given time, and thus be given free access to either-sex school locker rooms, bathrooms and self-nominate which sports team they would like to play for – with all whims and preferences enforced by the state courts.

Equal rights are one thing, and they are recognized – and protected constitutionally in the United States, but is this latest move by social “agents of change” to remove the idea of gender in schools simply getting the state to enforce an extremist liberal preference for the complete elimination of gender demarcation for children? Is it really the role of the state to legislate the elimination of privacy in bathroom, and boys and girls’ sports for all children in its school system?

Many are now rightly asking the question: where does this agenda end?

On of the chief lobbyists for this new legislation is an organization known as the Transgender Law Center:

“SACRAMENTO—Today, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed the historic School Success and Opportunity Act into law, ensuring transgender youth have the opportunity to fully participate and succeed in schools across the state. Assembly Bill 1266—which goes into effect on January 1, 2014—was authored by Assembly member Tom Ammiano and passed the California State Senate and Assembly earlier this summer. The law is the first of its kind in the country, and requires that California public schools respect students’ gender identity and makes sure that students can fully participate in all school activities, sports teams, programs, and facilities that match their gender identity.”

We Are Change TV

Co-ed bathrooms in California schools and how it will change behavior. California State Assembly Bill 1266…

“Even if it passes, we will fight this.”

Educate your kids, don’t school them. Information can’t be forced, it is either accepted or not. We’re not confused about the issue, as Dana Beyer suggests.

A Republic is designed to ensure freedom and free-will. The issue is serious, but the answer is not co-ed bathrooms. Such bathrooms are an invasion of people’s privacy to say the least.

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