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Day 2: #T2SDA + #T4VETS -Truckers Join With US Veterans for DC March This Weekend

SEE ALSO: Full Coverage Day 1: #T2SDA Trucker Protest Causes Traffic Delays into Nation’s Capital

21st Century Wire says…

Day Two – DC Truckers update:

1-ERNEST GENERAL LEEAfter a tough day one which saw a number of obstacles, including record rain falls in DC, Virginia state troopers heading off convoys early Friday, and false rumors of National Guard plans to head off truckers, along with near nonexistent mainstream media coverage,  reports are now coming in from Ride For the Constitution’s spokesman, Ernest “General” Lee, that an additional 200 plus big rigs have joined the convoy around the DC Beltway – with an additional 100 plus truckers in transit from surrounding states heading towards rendezvous points.

This Saturday morning, convoy leader Lee stated on the Pete Santilli Show that he is now in contact and coordinating with organizers from this Sunday’s ‘Million Veteran March’, and have offered rides for vets, as well as the service of the entire convoy – for the duration of the weekend.

“We’re pumped up… we’re going to be supporting the veterans in everything we’re doing”, said Lee.

In more disturbing news, it was reported this afternoon that two bus loads of Texas Vets were being held up by DC Park Police at the entrance to Washington’s Iwo Jima Memorial. See video report here:

Some prominent media personalities have also voiced their support for the truckers’ convoy in DC:

SEE ALSO: Day 1: #T2SDA Trucker Protest Causes Traffic Delays into Nation’s Capital



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