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DC’s ‘WWF’ Debt Ceiling Games Continue as Bankers Smile, Wringing Their Hands

21st Century Wire says…

The latest big-sounding question in Washington’s WWF-style political fight:

“Are we going to raise the debt ceiling, or not?”

Instead of Democrats vs. Republicans, you might as well be watching Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage (photo, left), because the lack of stage craft and level of play-acting is the same.

It’s as fake as the ‘government shutdown’ – where the government was running at 85%, and where a few staff, along with parks, memorials and websites – were all shut down to help create the show for the media and a docile public.

At this stage in the negotiations, the US government will not default on its mega debt. If that was going to happen, it would’ve happened already.

Like any decent career heroin addict, Washington will continue to fund its appetite for credit and carry on with the show, only, the Federal government will slow down its rapid expansion and hold steady – that’s what sequestration was really about.

Senator Harry Reid (above, with President Obama) and the ‘Business Round Table’ already decided behind the oak doors that there will be no default – and the Round Table has also advised the Obamacare will not be gutted at present.

The debt ceiling will be raised in real terms, the US federal government- in its present bloated form, could not function any other way.

Bankers are doing quite nicely collecting their 10% interest (tax) on US government receipts each month, and there’s reason to end that party, right? No pay cuts, nice expenses, pensions and perk, along with jobs and lucrative contracts…  for all their friends and family, paid for by the plebs.

Now here’s what the Mainstream Media have to say – about this fake WWF match (it’s getting old)…

White House rejects key part of House Republican proposal on debt ceiling

Lori Montgomery, Rosalind S. Helderman and William Branigin
Washington Post

President Obama is rejecting a key element of House Republicans’ latest proposal to extend the federal debt ceiling, opposing a linkage between a short-term increase and negotiations on the budget, White House spokesman Jay Carney said Friday.

Briefing reporters after financial markets closed for the week, Carney welcomed a “new willingness” among congressional Republicans to open the government and avoid default, but he said the president would not agree to tie budget negotiations to a six-week debt-limit extension.

“It is our view that we cannot have a situation where the debt ceiling is extended as part of a budget negotiation process for only six weeks, which would put us right back in the same position that we’re in now,” Carney said.

Earlier Friday afternoon, Obama spoke by telephone with House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio), and the two agreed that they should keep talking, aides to both men said without providing additional details. That conversation came hours after a meeting between Obama and Senate Republicans at the White House. Obama met with 20 House Republicans on Thursday.

[Read the latest updates on the shutdown and debt crisis.]

Carney praised House Republicans for what he described as a “recognition that we need to remove default as a weapon in budget negotiations, that the threat of default should not be used, and certainly default itself is never an option.”

“The president appreciates the constructive nature of the conversation and of the proposal that House Republicans put forward,” Carney told reporters. “He has some concerns with it.”

Carney said: “A proposal that puts a debt-ceiling increase at only six weeks, tied to budget negotiations, would put us right back where we are today in just six weeks, on the verge of Thanksgiving and the obviously important shopping season leading up to the holidays. And that would create enormous uncertainty for our economy.”

Read more at WP

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