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FAIL: Turkey’s Support for Terrorism Causes Huge ‘Unexpected’ Decline in Tourism

21WIRE | As Turkey relies so heavily on tourism, this economic hit could cause a drastic change in Turkish foreign policy.

As Syria Continues To Simmer, Lebanon Remains in Limbo

Patrick Henningsen21stCentury WireJanuary 16, 2013 BEIRUT – On arrival to Lebanon’s capital city, all seems very functional and normal on the surface, as the city runs business as usual. Below the surface however, there is a feeling of trepidation, an unspoken collective worry that a city and country who has gradually managed to pick up […]

‘Golden Spike’ Space Tourism Start-Up Company: ‘To the Moon!’

21WIRE | Golden Spike is targeting foreign countries that want attain the prestige of putting their own astronauts on the moon.

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