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Climatism: What’s Really Behind Greta Thunberg’s Public Meltdown

The climate change movement continues to run into problems, including disheveled public meltdowns by its ideological leaders. 

Rarely at at loss for words, the world’s most popular climate activist, Greta Thunberg, 18, suddenly has “nothing to say” on what to do about climate change.

During a recent global summit, a visibly unhinged Greta shocked onlookers as she descended into her now infamous “Blah, blah, blah” rant.

Still, her core supporters clapped and cheered, but her bizarre performance may not have sat well with Davos elites who depend on the young Swede to sell their agenda to their global constituency. She even took a sarcastic swipe at the World Economic Forum’s sacred “Build Back Better” mantra. It must have been a jaw-dropping moment for Klaus Schwab.

But behind Greta’s green mask is the all too familiar ring of radical leftwing politics.

“She’s got nothing to say about what is actually happening on climate change,” says Sky News host Rowan Dean. “She just simply says ‘action, action, action’ – the cry of every despot, every dictator, every communist, every socialist, every Marxist.”

The real difficulty facing the movement is that it’s hard to articulate a solution to a problem which has not happened yet.

Instead we are told to shut up and trust ‘The Science.’

As a result of this fundamental flaw in the climatist argument, we’ll likely see more flippant tirades by Thunberg and others.

Are the wheels finally coming off the ‘climate chaos’ road show? Watch: 

READ MORE CLIMATE CHANGE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Climate Files




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