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House Votes to Block Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia, UAE – Trump May Veto

Yesterday, Congress voted to undo President Trump’s effort to sidestep Congress in order to sell arms to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for their illegal war against neighboring Yemen.

In May, the Trump Administration announced it would declare emergency authority in order to expedite 22 arms deals worth more than $8 billion to the Gulf monarchies. This move was then followed by a bipartisan majority in both the House and Senate objecting to the move – but not a ‘veto-proof’ majority, which has now set the scene for a likely veto by President Trump to undo the House measure.

Antiwar.com reports…

On Wednesday, the House of Representatives passed bills expressing disapproval of US arms sales to both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The bills passed 238-190, with four Republicans supporting the bills. A third vote also passed 237-190.

The House bills mirror Senate versions which were passed last month over the objection of the Trump Administration. President Trump has threatened to veto them, and Congress appears to lack the two-thirds majority needed to override such a veto.

Such a veto is likely to rile up more Congressional action, however, as President Trump’s very public desire to protect US arms sales, even after the Saudi murder of Jamal Khashoggi, has been viewed as distasteful by many.

Arms packages related to this deal are worth an estimated $8 billion. Trump Administration officials tried to spin the sales as being primarily about fighting Iran, as did Republicans who opposed the House vote.

READ MORE SAUDI ARABIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Iran Files




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