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Douma, OPCW, Idlib, fake chemical attacks, White Helmets – Vanessa Beeley speaks to Last American Vagabond

Civilians being used as caged human shields by Jaish Al Islam terrorists in Douma 2015. 

Vanessa Beeley
Last American Vagabond

Vanessa has just returned from Syria where she was able to get close to the Syrian/Russian military frontlines and to speak to civilians and military commanders about the recently escalating situation in Northern Hama and Idlib where Hayat Tahrir As Sham rule the province – an Al Qaeda rebrand and designated a terrorist group by the UK and the US.

Ryan Cristian, founder of Last American Vagabond, writes:

Joining me today is one of my favorite guests to have on the show, someone who has been to Syria numerous times, and just got back from the frontlines of Idlib. At a time with so many false accusations, false claims and false flags, mostly coming from the very groups that many thought they could trust, there is no better person to speak to in order to find what is actually taking place on the ground than Vanessa Beeley.

Watch the full interview which covers Douma, latest revelations concerning the OPCW report, White Helmets, Idlib operations and the lies of Western media which have sustained the dirty war against Syria for a punishing eight years:


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Vanessa Beeley is an independent journalist, peace activist, photographer and associate editor at 21st Century Wire. Vanessa was a finalist for one of the most prestigious journalism awards – the 2017 Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism – whose winners have included the likes of Robert Parry in 2017, Patrick Cockburn, Robert Fisk, Nick Davies and the Bureau for Investigative Journalism team. Please support her work at her Patreon account. 


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21st Century Wire:
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21st Century Wire article on the White Helmets:  
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Original investigative report:
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READ MORE WHITE HELMETS NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire White Helmets Files

READ MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria Files




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