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EAST ALEPPO: ‘Terrorists Shot At Us To Stop Us Leaving’

More real testimonies from real people after the liberation of Aleppo – this is truth you will not get from the mainstream media…

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Vanessa Beeley

21st Century Wire 

On the 14th December 2016 we were able to enter Jebrin Registration Centre in East Aleppo that received, in total, around 95k civilians, another 10k civilians rejoined their families in West Aleppo, after liberation, without passing by the Jebrin centre. So in total an estimated, 110k civilians left East Aleppo following its liberation from Nusra Front-led occupation, which had lasted almost five years.

The following crucial points were made by local residents regarding eastern Aleppo during the near 5 year-long occupation:

1. Terrorists told civilians that if they tried to leave East Aleppo the Syrian Army would kill them.
2. When civilians did try to leave the terrorists started shooting them.
3. Terrorists told civilians that the Syrian Government were infidels and didn’t believe in God.
4. When this witness told the terrorists that the Syrian Govt and people in the west are Muslims just like us, he was imprisoned.
5. The terrorists beat him and accused him of being a “Shabiha”.
6. When civilians tried to resist terrorist rule, they were shot at.
7. The SAA received them well and took care of them.
8. The terrorists would execute anyone who spoke against them, behead them or slaughter them
9. The terrorists killed his brother’s son.
10. There were no doctors, only for the fighters and the treatment was very primitive.
11. If civilians refused to work with the terrorists, they were deprived of food or medicine.
12. Every terrorist would marry 3 or 4 women for a week then discard them.
13. Each terrorist group, Nour Al Din Zinki, Fastaqim, Jabhat Al Nusra, Abu Amara brigade, had different countries sponsoring them. US, France, UAE, Saudi Arabia are named.

Watch this exclusive video – filmed at the Jebrin Centre following the liberation of Aleppo in December 2016:


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