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Amerika: ‘Tolerant’ University Educators Exile Trump Voters from American Campuses

21st Century Wire says…

Since the late 1960’s, it’s become accepted as a fact of political life that the faculty and administrations of America’s universities have a heavily ingrained liberal bias, but to see them now actively working to cleanse their campuses of any pro-Trump and conservative voices demonstrates that their ‘progressive values’ have progressed far beyond what used to be considered as liberal – and into the realm of political fascism and Marxist-style identity politics. 

The liberal reaction to the US Election result not only marks a low ebb of American culture, but it also proves beyond any doubt that the US university system is failing to teach life’s basics…

Last week’s US Presidential Election result has accentuated this phenomenon, bringing many hardcore radical campus political ideologies out of their academic shells, and into the open, in all of their ugliness. 

Some university heads around the country have called for “safe spaces” on their campuses – where traumatized Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders student supporters can go to retreat from any mention of Donald Trump, and to protect them from hearing any speech in support of President Elect Trump. Quite rightly, because of frequent incidents like this, many are now viewing American academia as one giant institutionalized brainwashing mill – where political correctness is not only encouraged, it’s also being legislated.

RELATED: DePaul University Threatens to ARREST Conservative editor Ben Shapiro if He Stepped on Campus

This is the danger of a liberal America which appears to desire not only a single party state, but also a sanitized monoculture where speech and expression are heavily regulated – and also self-policed by ‘progressive mobs.’

This leftist culture of extreme intolerance to any opposing views – where students will demand protection  from the state and administrative bodies from even hearing any opposing opinions in public – is heading dangerously close to Mao’s Amerika…

Glenn Reynolds
USA Today

One of the more amusing bits of fallout from last week’s election has been the safe-space response of many colleges and universities to the election of the “wrong” candidate. But on closer examination, this response isn’t really amusing. In fact, it’s downright mean.

Donald Trump’s substantial victory, when most progressives expected a Hillary Clinton landslide, came as a shock to many. That shock seems to have been multiplied in academia, where few people seem to know any Trump supporters — or, at least, any Trump supporters who’ll admit to it.

The response to the shock has been to turn campuses into kindergarten. The University of Michigan Law School announced a ”post-election self-care” event with “food” and “play,” including “coloring sheets, play dough (sic), positive card-making, Legos and bubbles with your fellow law students.” (Embarrassed by the attention, UM Law scrubbed the announcement from its website, perhaps concerned that people would wonder whether its graduates would require Legos and bubbles in the event of stressful litigation.)

IN NEED OF ‘SAFE SPACES’: Hillary Clinton supporters struggling to cope with the reality of democracy (Image Source: Fellowship of the Minds)

Stanford emailed its students and faculty that psychological counseling was available for those experiencing “uncertainty, anger, anxiety and/or fear” following the election. So did the University of Michigan’s Flint campus.

Meanwhile, even the Ivy League wasn’t immune, with the University of Pennsylvania (Trump’s alma mater) creating a post-election safe space with puppies and coloring books:

Student Daniel Tancredi reported that the people who attended were “fearful” about the results of the election.

“For the most part, students just hung out and ate snacks and made small talk,” Tancredi told “The College Fix.” “Of course, that was in addition to coloring and playing with the animals.”

Yale had a ”group scream.”

At Tufts, the university offered arts and crafts, while the University of Kansas reminded students that there were plenty of “therapy dogs” available.  At other schools, exams were canceled and professors expressed their sympathy to traumatized students.

It’s easy to mock this as juvenile silliness — because, well, it is juvenile silliness of the sort documented in Frank Furedi’s What’s Happened To The University? But that’s not all it is. It’s also exactly what these schools purport to abhor:  an effort to marginalize and silence part of the university community.

In an email to students, University of Michigan President Mark Schlissel wrote: “Our responsibility is to remain committed to education, discovery and intellectual honesty — and to diversity, equity and inclusion. We are at our best when we come together to engage respectfully across our ideological differences; to support all who feel marginalized, threatened or unwelcome; and to pursue knowledge and understanding.”

But when you treat an election in which the “wrong” candidate wins as a traumatic event on a par with the 9/11 attacks, calling for counseling and safe spaces, you’re implicitly saying that everyone who supported that “wrong” candidate is, well, unsafe. Despite the talk about diversity and inclusion, this is really sending the signal that people who supported Trump — and Trump is leading the state of Michigan, so there are probably quite a few on campus — aren’t really included in acceptable campus culture. It’s not promoting diversity; it’s enforcing uniformity. It’s not promoting inclusion; it’s practicing exclusion…

Continue this story at USA Today

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