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Navy Yard shooter Alexis used to demonize ‘truth seekers’, fueling false propaganda

Shawn Helton
21st Century Wire

The public is forced to relive one tragedy after the next in today’s consumer culture, we are also expected to blindly accept the official narrative produced by government sponsored news organizations.

Rather than get caught up in the ‘fear campaigns’ sold to us by our favorite news anchor-zombies, its important to consider another aspect of these mass shootings by making a tally of  the trigger points that media uses to manipulate public perception, as they carefully propagandize certain elements within a crisis making sure to illicit ‘the right’ reaction from every major demographic.

We’ve been told that Aaron Alexis was “not happy with America” that he had been preoccupied with 9/11 and that he felt racially discriminated against upon coming back from a contract job in Japan. We’ve also been lead to believe he used a variety of firearms during his apparent rampage on Monday at the Navy Yard, most notably the AR15, which just so happens to be on the Obama administrations chopping block.

Whether these ‘crisis events’ are staged, programmed or real doesn’t seem to be the main point anymore, as the FBI and CIA have been caught bungling large-scale events like WTC 93′, the Boston Bombing, as well as the events surrounding 9/11. The perfect crime doesn’t seem to be high on the list of priorities, as the real objective seems to be to create a deluge of disinformation, all the while subliminally dividing the populace.

It appears that mass media has built a distorted image of Aaron Alexis, on one hand he was someone who was deeply disturbed by 9/11, on the other hand, he was someone who fell prey to the establishment’s war on race by buying into divisive tactics used by certain surrogates. In addition to that, we are told Alexis claimed to have been victimized by “microwave machines” as he heard voices in a Marriott Hotel. While it has been said he had PTSD and was on prescription medication, medication that has the ability to alter reality and can lead to psychotic breaks, we should also note that DARPA (The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) a division of the United States Department of Defense have direct energy weapons that can target specific people involved in Information Operations, operations which are known to influence the public through the deliberate spreading of ideas.

There is also the often cited HAARP facility (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) in Alaska, which is said to have frequencies to push voices into the mind of unsuspecting people. Real or imagined, this certainly makes you think about the different angles at play.

Another important note, is that early reports claimed there were at least two other suspects, suspects that have now been memory holed by media organizations.

The film The Network comes to mind, as our heads are filled with propaganda at an alarming rate.

After years of complacency, Howard Beale (photo, above), the main character in the film, captures the country with a brutal honesty that challenges the half-baked machinations of everyday news, but to what end? Despite Beale’s ascent to fame and recognition, the network machine doesn’t change – remaining under the corporate thumb, and Beale ends up destitute and dies in front of his national audience.

Here’s NBC’s take…

IMAGE: Aaron Alexis (Photo: Kristi Suthamtewakul via Reuters)

Mark Potter and Charles Hadlock

FORT WORTH, Texas — Aaron Alexis was so unhappy with his life in America — where he was beset by money woes and felt slighted as a veteran — that he was “ready to move out of the country” last year, a friend said Tuesday.

Aaron Alexis, the man police say shot and killed 12 people in a Washington Navy Yard, reportedly called police to complain about people following him and that he was hearing voices. He sought mental health treatment from a nearby VA hospital, officials said. NBC’s Pete Williams reports.

“He was tired of dealing with the government,” said Kristi Suthamtewkal, whose husband owns the Thai Bowl Restaurant in Fort Worth, where Alexis worked in exchange for room and board.

But instead of leaving the U.S., the former Navy reservist relocated from Texas to Virginia, where an IT company called The Experts put him on a government contract at the Washington Navy Yard.

A day after Alexis, 34, gunned down 12 people at the yard, new details emerged of his troubled past — from his preoccupation with 9/11 to recent mental problems that included hearing voices in his head.

Investigators said Tuesday that a preliminary probe has turned up no evidence that Alexis participated in rescue operations at Ground Zero, as his father once told police.

He was, however, employed as a clerical worker at the Borough of Manhattan Community College, in the shadow of the Twin Towers, when they were destroyed on Sept. 11, 2001.

“He talked about 9/11 and where he was and how the buildings had collapsed and he couldn’t believe that…and how he was upset with the terrorists for taking innocent lives,” Suthamtewkal said.

(Photo: Kristi Suthamtewakul via Reuters)

Aaron Alexis in an undated photograph provided by Kristi Suthamtewakul, wife of “Happy Bowl” Thai restaurant owner Nutpisit Suthamtewakul.

Melinda Downs, who took in Alexis after he moved out of the Suthamtewkals’ house last year, said he told her he suffered from post-traumatic stress after “surviving 9/11 in New York.”

And when Alexis was arrested in Seattle in 2004, for shooting at a parked car in what he called an “anger-fueled blackout,” he brought up 9/11 during his interrogation and “how those events had disturbed him,” police said.

Three years after that arrest, Alexis enlisted in the Navy Reserves and served as an aviation electrician’s mate — a third-class petty officer — before he was given an honorable discharge in January 2011.

Military officials acknowledged that Alexis had disciplinary issues including absence without permission, insubordination and disorderly conduct.

Among the problems: an arrest in September 2010 by Fort Worth police after he accidentally fired a bullet into the apartment above him while he was cleaning a gun with slippery hands. Prosecutors determined that there wasn’t enough evidence to bring a recklessness case.

After his discharge, Alexis began an online course in aeronautics with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He worshiped at a Buddhist Temple and was befriended by Suthamtewkal’s husband, Oui, who ” took him under his wing and took care of him.”

He was given a room at their house in exchange for help at the restaurant, where he was one of the more popular waiters.

“Everybody loved him,” Kristi Suthamtewkal said.

He spent a lot of time in his room, burning incense, she said. Michael Ritrobato, a handyman at the restaurant, said Alexis played violent online video games but was good-natured, not angry.

After he returned from a contract job in Japan in Nov. 2012, he didn’t seem as easy-going, though.

He felt like he had been cheated out of money from the contract and complained that he was mistreated because he was black, Kristi Suthamtewkal said.

“He felt a lot of discrimination and racism with white people especially,” she said.

There was also a growing sense of entitlement and disrespect, she said. “He did have the tendency to feel like people owed him something all the time.”

He got annoyed when she couldn’t give him rides, and he started eating the couple’s food without permission, and ignoring her when she complained, she said. When her cats developed fleas, he was angry.

Mostly, though, she felt like he was fed up with the United States.

(IMAGE: Fort Worth Police via Reuters)

Aaron Alexis in a Fort Worth Police Department handout photo.

“I knew he was not happy with America and he felt slighted as a veteran and he was ready to move out of the country,” she said.

When he abruptly left their house in July, he went to live with Melinda and Marvin Downs.

“He would get really quiet sometimes, put his head down,” Melinda said. “You would see him in thought but not in rage, not angry at the world.”

After he left Fort Worth for a series of jobs on the East Coast, Alexis kept in touch with the Downses. The last they heard from him, on Sept. 9, he said everything was going well in Washington.

Even before Monday morning, though, there were signs that wasn’t true.

He sought treatment with the Veterans Administration for paranoia and hearing voices in two states.

In August, Newport, R.I., police were called to a Marriott Hotel room where Alexis said he was being followed by three people and heard voices coming from his closet. He couldn’t sleep because he thought they were using a microwave machine to send vibrations through the ceiling, the police report says.

His small circle of friends in Fort Worth say they saw no evidence of mental illness or aggression and struggled to reconcile the accusations against their friend with the man they knew…

Read more at NBC News

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