21st Century Wire says…
They say that the age on consent in Vatican City was on 12 yrs old only a few years ago. This young girl is not far off that. It’s beyond belief to consider the ramifications of this, ta recent story out of Mexico…
One of the most miraculous, weirdest and amazing medical findings that challenges the nature looking directly into the eyes, a nine-year-old girl in Mexico, has given birth to a daughter.
Authorities are hunting for the baby’s 17-year-old father after the girl fell pregnant aged just eight and gave birth last week.
The baby was born on January 27 in Mexico’s western Jalisco state.
“We are looking for the young man to get his story because she does not understand what has happened. This is a rape or child sex abuse case,” Jorge Villasenor, from the state prosecutor’s office, was quoted as saying.
The girl and her baby were discharged from hospital and are believed to be doing well.
However, the hospital said it would have to do extensive follow-up due to the mother’s age.
Source: Pardaphash