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President Obama to Announce New Gun Control Plans on Wednesday

21st Century Wire says…

Brace yourself for impact, Obama’s ‘invite only’ second term starts now…

Philip Rucker and Sari Horwitz
Jan 15, 2013

President Obama will unveil a sweeping set of gun-control proposals at midday Wednesday, including an assault weapons ban, universal background checks and limits on the number of bullets magazines can hold, according to sources familiar with the plans.

The announcement, to be delivered at the White House, is also expected to include a slate of up to 19 executive actions that the Obama administration can take on its own to attempt to limit gun violence.  The White House has invited key lawmakers as well as gun-control advocates to appear at Wednesday’s policy roll-out, according to two officials who have been invited to the event.

Obama said at a news conference Monday that he would present his gun proposals later in the week. A White House spokesman said Tuesday morning that he could not confirm the plans.

Source: Washington Post



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