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The “Rape in Libya” Story – Our Military’s Latest Fairytale

By Peter Dale Scott June 17, 2011  It is a troubled time for NATO’s campaign against Libya. President Obama has seen a near-revolt in Congress against the costly war, while Defense Secretary Gates in Brussels has warned his European allies that their tepid response “is putting the Libya mission and the alliance’s very future at […]

Queen Elizabeth II: Helpless Hostage of ‘The City’ Insurance Syndicates?

Runnymede Institute | The King’s rude awakening at Runnymede, that the terms of Magna Carta were not to be tampered with, until now.


Patrick Henningsen | Is the Icelandic “watchdog” digital dumping site being used in a cynical ploy by the Establishment?

WIKILEAKS: Whistleblower Extraordinaire, or Limited Hangout?

Patrick Henningsen | As the euphoria on Barack Obama subsides, people are looking for a new saviour to pin those hopes on.

“The Fall of the Republic”

(CLICK PICTURE TO ENLARGE) Marvel here at one of the great Neo-classical masterpieces, “The Fall of the Republic”, chronicling the rise, slide and fall of this once great Constitutional Republic. It’s an age-old scene where the characters may change but the story doesn’t. An empire in decline, a happy time when style reigns over substance […]

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