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It's hardly a coincidence that the globalist luminaries at the World Economic Forum in Davos announced their master plan for the future of humanity at the same time as the alleged 'global pandemic' was launched in early 2020. The Great Reset is being spearheaded by a group of billionaires intent on dictating and dominating every aspect political, social and economic life - all supposedly to save the planet from anthropogenic global warming aka climate change. Our archive contains a number of key reports on this technocracy and its plan for a new 'green' feudalism on earth.

How the Concept of the ‘Greater Good’ is Used as a Tool for Social Control

21WIRE + Academy of Ideas | Who decides what constitutes and defines the ‘greater good’?

UKC News: 2020 Xmas Round-up and Look Ahead to 2021

UKC News | Looking back of the top stories from 2020 and ahead at what may be in store for 2021.

Will Their New Normal Become ‘Never Normal Again?’

21WIRE | The current hysteria over the ‘pandemic’ and panic-driven lockdown policies are really convenient authoritarian devices designed to breakdown society and democracy.

CrossTalk: Build Back Worse? Biden War Hawks and The Great Reset

CrossTalk | What to expect coming down the pipeline with Uncle Joe.

Episode #351 – ‘NeoLib-Con Power Play’ with guest Marwa Osman

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Patrick Wood: Trilateral Commission, Technocracy and The Great Reset

Delingpod | Deep and insightful interview about the global elite and what their plutocratic agenda.

Dystopian Great Reset: ‘Own Nothing and Be Happy’, Being Human in 2030

Colin Todhunter | Not to worry, their proposed technocratic transformation of humanity will regard humans as commodities to tracked, traced and drop-shipped from A to B.

COVID 19: Mounting Evidence of International Fraud

Iain Davis | All measures taken to combat this deadly virus have proven to be at best grossly misguided, and at worst criminally negligent.

Ingraham on Biden’s Great Reset: ‘Get Ready for the Fight of Your Life’

21WIRE | An agenda forged by unelected technocrats on which citizens never had a chance to vote on. 

Biden’s ‘Reset’ Will Strip Americans of Their Finances and Freedoms

21WIRE | Democrats are calling for more ‘lockdowns’ and COVID measures which are sure to further destroy economy.

Vaccine Backlash Grows in Britain, WEF Push Great Reset Agenda on UK

UKC News | Co-hosts Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson with midweek news round-up.

UKC News: US Election Madness, UK Lockdown and Great Reset Agenda

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.

The Great Reset: Unelected ‘World Leaders’ Use COVID to Launch ‘Sinister’ Climate Agenda

21WIRE | The elite plan to use the ‘New Normal’ as the solution for dealing with climate change.

Australian Media Finally Calls Out Davos ‘Great Reset’ Agenda

21WIRE | What’s really behind the mass-panic being pushed by governments and media?

The Seven Deadly Sins of Coronavirus

Blake Lovewell | Your guide to the moral decay, and path towards redemption in the Time of Corona.

Elite COVID Action: Now Comes the Davos ‘Great Reset’

F. William Engdahl | The great and the good of Davos have decided to use this crisis as an opportunity.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue