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The spread of the novel coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease around the world has triggered reactionary government policies which have seriously impacted numerous countries, societies, and economies, as well as shutting down most religious, cultural and sporting events. Learn more about this epidemic and see a number of serious challenges to the official narrative here...


No Lockdown in Belarus, President Advises Saunas and Vodka

21WIRE | President Lukashenko accuses European countries of falling into a state of “frenzy and psychosis.”

SWEDISH SPRING: No Coronavirus Quarantine or Police State Lockdown

Guy Birchall | Swedes opting for sensible measures rather than mass-panic and a draconian police state.

New York City Now Imposing $500 Fine for Citizens Who Disobey ‘Social Distancing’ Rules

21WIRE | City officials are now attempting to enforce compliance to draconian measures through ‘behavioral modification’ measures like imposing excessive fines on struggling residents.

Trust Fauci? Trump’s Science Expert Now Claims 200,000 May Die from Coronavirus

21WIRE | Despite shaky government numbers, the mainstream media are still pressing on with their campaign of fear.

Paranoid Americans Erect Own Barricade to Enforce ‘Out of State’ Quarantine

21WIRE | Residents cut tree down to block road to protects their homes from ‘out of state’ carriers of coronavirus.

UKC News: Coronavirus Cancels Democracy, Creates Bailouts and Coup d’etats

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.

INTERVIEW: Andre Vltchek on Coronavirus in China, South America

21WIRE | Intrepid writer describes passing through numerous airports and coronavirus/COVID 19 quarantine zones on three continents, and how the ‘crisis’ has morphed from country to country.

INTERVIEW: Olsi Jazexhi on Coronavirus Martial Law in Albania

21WIRE | A harrowing story of how the one European government has used the coronavirus COVID 19 ‘pandemic’ to suspend democracy and declare Martial Law.

Mideast Coronavirus Update: Syria, Gaza, Yemen & Iran

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | New coronavirus cases are hitting areas of the world already engulfed in lock-downs, wars and humanitarian disasters.

UKC News: ‘Why Government Coronavirus Numbers Don’t Add Up’

UKC News | Co-hosts Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson with the midweek news round-up.

‘Not a Sexy Drug’: Coronavirus Patients in New York Getting Vitamin C Treatments

21WIRE | This is something big pharmaceutical companies don’t want to hear about right now.

VIDEO: Comparing COVID-19 to History’s Deadliest Pandemics

SouthFront | A video visualization comparing some of history’s most deadly pandemics over time.

CORONA CASINO: Las Vegas Goes ‘All-In’ on Strip Shutdown

21WIRE + Las Vegas Sun | It’s a ‘surreal’ moment for sure, as the ‘Vegas Strip’ becomes something of a modern ghost town.

My Eight Day Journey Around the Planet – With COVID-19 on My Tail

Andre Vltchek | My journey around the world – chased by a global crisis.

Episode #319 – ‘Panic, Lockdown, Backlash’ with guests Andre Vltchek and Olsi Jazexhi

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

UKC News: Coronavirus Fears Grip UK and US, Italy Report Reveals True Nature of Epidemic

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with this week’s news round-up.

Can Main Street, Middle America Survive the Coronavirus?

21WIRE | Can Main Street USA survive the Coronavirus?

Washington Pushes IMF to Reject Venezuela Plea for $5 billion Coronavirus Aid

21WIRE + AFP | It should come as little surprise that this vindictive administration in Washington is behind this reckless IMF decision.

New York City Calls to Release Prisoners to Halt Spread of Coronavirus in Jails

21WIRE | NYC officials issued calls yesterday to reduce the population of the city’s jails – but at what social cost?

Corona Lazarus: 103 year-old Iranian Woman Recovers from COVID-19

21WIRE | The woman was the second centenarian patient to have survived the disease.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue