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Is Silicon Valley Meddling on Behalf of Biden-Harris and DNC?

They say there are only two certainties in America – death and taxes. You can add a third item to that list: that Democrats will forever be upset about the 2016 Election result. Such is the level of their angst that they have dedicated every ounce of political capital for the last four years towards reversing that result and ousting President Donald Trump from the White House. With the 2020 Election only 37 days away, it seems that the moguls of big tech in Silicon Valley have already kick-started their effort to filter and control online discourse in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket.

A number of Republican lawmakers have hit back at what is being described as ‘openly meddling’ in the US democratic process. It’s already established that Democrats and allied corporate mainstream media have joined forces with the likes Google, Facebook and Twitter, to not only de-platform alternative media and conservative pundits, and also to back radical politicians, judges and district attorneys across the country – whom they’re counting on to look the other way when presented with concreted evidence of interference and meddling at the highest levels. Ironically, the meddling and interference from the leftwing of the political establishment is precisely what Democrats and Neocons vehemently accused Russia of doing in 2016 and beyond – despite the fact no evidence has been presented with shows any Russian interference.

Host Tucker Carlson explains the extent of the Democratic Party and Silicon Valley’s plan to try and quell free speech online and influence the outcome of the 2020 US Presidential Election. Watch:

READ MORE 2020 ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Election 2020 Files




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