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INTERVIEW: Igor Lopatonok film director, producer at SOBH Festival 2024

This interview took place at the SOBH International Media Festival 2024 in Tehran, Iran.

What gets a film deleted from video sharing platforms? What are the criteria for censoring a film production? What is the future of film and Hollywood? From studying engineering at the age of 16 to becoming a documentary filmmaker, this interviewer’s guest speaks about his incredible experience in the film industry, and the great privilege of working alongside film giants such as Oliver Stone. All this and more.

Host Hassan Tavakoli speaks with international filmmaker Igor Lopatonok, about his unique career as a director, producer, and story teller – working on the frontlines of history. Watch: 

Filmmaker Igor Lopatonok is a movie, TV Series and documentary director and producer, and member of the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image Animée – a French organization supporting filmmakers, the Society of Motion Picture Member of Television Engineers in the United States, and Association of Producers in Ukraine and other world organizations. He is also the founder of Ukrainian Film Commission – an independent, nonprofit organization that promotes Ukraine in the international movie production market. Follow him on X.com @Lopatonok

Watch his hit film “Ukraine on Fire” here on Rumble:

This interview was first broadcast at Press TV.


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