According to a new poll released on Thursday by Rasmussen Reports, some 54% of likely voters believe that a Republican-controlled House of Representatives will impeach President Biden, and more than 1 in 5 of those, or 22%, see impeachment as a “very likely” scenario.
While the Rasmussen poll show voters do expect Biden to be impeached, another similar Rasmussen poll shows that most Americans also want the president to be ousted – with some 52% of voters believing that Biden should be impeached, compared with 42% who oppose impeachment. Should a Republican-controlled House vote to impeach the struggling Biden, he would not likely be forced from office, as the Constitution requires at least a two-thirds majority from the Senate to convict the President – a majority which Republican will not have. Hence, it will more likely be a symbolic impeachment in much the same vein as was done to President Trump back in 2020.
These latest results come less than a week before the US Midterm elections on November 8th, where the Democrats are now projected to lose control of the House, and possibly the Senate too.
With each passing days, polling continues to trend in favor of the GOP. According to one CNN poll, Republican voters are much more enthusiastic than their Democrat counterparts in this election cycle – by a margin of 38% to 24%, with Republican voters far more excited when asked which party they will support in their congressional district.
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