Many astute political commentators have widely understood for many years now, how the Antifa (‘anti fascist’) movement has become a division of the ruling establishment’s shock troops, to be deployed on the streets to beat down an intimidate any genuine popular sentiment that threatens to emerge and upend the prevailing order. Hence, it was only a matter of time before they would be deployed against the ‘antivaxxers.’
As an unofficial wing of the Democratic Party, Antifa has made a concerted effort to destabilise cities like Portland, Oregon, and will normally be deployed in order to ramp-up violence before drawing in hyper-militarised police battalions to restore law and order. In that sense, Antifa are an extremely useful tool for the burgeoning police state.
Don’t forget that it was this same militant radical left-wing movement led a wave of violence, looting and arson which took place in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd in 2020. It’s perhaps no surprise then, that they’re now targeting vaccine skeptics and pro-freedom demonstrators.
The Blaze reports…
Antifa targeted a vaccine mandate protest in Boston Common on Sunday. The situation turned violent as members of the far-left militant group clashed with protesters against vaccine and mask mandates.
The “Super Happy Fun America” organization — a Massachusetts-based political organization “focusing on defending the American Constitution, opposing gender madness, and defeating cultural Marxism” — held an anti-vaccine mandate rally at 12 p.m. on Sunday. The objective of the event was to “resist vaccine passports, face diapers, mass layoffs, and unconstitutional mandates.”
Several Antifa-linked organizations, including “Green Monster Antifa” and “Solidarity Against Hate – Boston,” organized a counter-protest. The Antifa groups vowed to make sure the Super Happy Fun “know where Boston stands” and to get them the “hell out of town.
To demonstrate against the protest against government-mandated vaccines made and profited by big pharma, the Antifa mob held communist flags with the faces of Chairman Mao, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, and Karl Marx. There was also a “Death to fascists” sign.
The counter-protest included a brass band to drown out the speakers railing against vaccine and mask mandates by the government.
NOW: Clashing rallies on Boston Common; one group here to protest mask/vaccine mandates with speeches, the other protesting the protesters with a brass band. @NBC10Boston @NECN
— Monica Madeja NBC10 Boston (@MonicaNBCBoston) November 7, 2021
Fight just broke out between groups, police broke it up @NBC10Boston @NECN
— Monica Madeja NBC10 Boston (@MonicaNBCBoston) November 7, 2021
Continue this story at The Blaze
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