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Matthew B. Crawford: How ‘The Science’ Has Become Corrupted

UnHerd says…

‘Following the science’ is a phrase that we have heard a lot of this year, but what does it actually mean? Over the past year, science has shifted from a mode of inquiry to a form of authority that you are not allowed to question in fear of being labelled ‘anti-science’.

“The chorus of complaints about a declining “faith in science” states the problem almost too frankly. The most reprobate among us are climate sceptics, unless those be the Covid deniers, who are charged with not obeying the science. If all this has a medieval sound, it ought to give us pause,” wrote Matthew B. Crawford in his recent piece.

To understand how and why this has occurred, UnHerd host Freddie Sayers talks with philosopher and author Matthew B. Crawford. Watch:

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