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Bjorn Lomborg: ‘Don’t Waste Trillions on BAD Climate Policy’

Contrary to popular belief and claims made by extreme activists, climate change will not mark the end of the world, and humans will not be extinct in 50 years due to man-made global warming. There is no evidence to even suggest that this is even remote possibility. According to the UN’s best estimate of the costs of unmitigated man-made global warming by the end of the century is about 4% of global GDP – and as the real data demonstrates below, this is likely a massive overestimation by the UN.

In other words, while it may be a problem, but it’s certainly not an emergency.

Centre for Independent Studies

In our eagerness to enact climate policies, we could easily end up making the world worse off — even if we tackle climate smartly, the policies could end up costing as much as 16% of global GDP or more.

With a sense of proportion, Dr Lomborg presents a coherent argument on how to tackle climate smartly. Crucially, for most of the world’s 7.5 billion people, climate change comes far down the list of priorities when faced with infant mortality from easily curable diseases and malnutrition, suffering from poor education and low energy access.

Speaker Bjorn Lomborg is president of the Copenhagen Consensus Centre and is the author of The Skeptical Environmentalist, Cool It, and How to Spend $75 Billion to Make the World a Better Place.

Watch the following presentation was recorded in in Sydney, Australia February 11, 2020:

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