Today, we are being told by multiple mainstream media outlets that resurgence of the Black Death is on the way. But is this story really news worthy?
Fear merchants in mainstream media editorial rooms across the world seem very keen to promote the idea of a “high alert” situation in China’s Inner Mongolia region where it has been reported that one “suspected case” of Bubonic Plague was detected over the weekend.
Of course, this has triggered a knee-jerk panic, as Chinese health officials are now telling the public to avoid any risks of human-to-human infection from this supposed plague. In a country of 1.5 billion, one single case is relatively meaningless in terms of a public health threat. Nonetheless, many western governments are adopting the new Chinese model of bio-crisis management.
Of course, this story may burn itself out in 24 hours, but it’s important to point out how indicative this is over the standard media operating procedure in the era of COVID.
Bayan Nur city of N. China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Saturday reported a suspected case of the #BubonicPlague and issued a level III early warning on Sunday, urging residents to strictly follow prevention and control measures regarding the handling of wild animals.
— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) July 5, 2020
Also known historically as the “Black Death,” the Bubonic Plague is a bacterial disease normally spread by fleas living on wild rodents. In the most extreme cases, without treatment, it can cause death in up to 60 percent of patients, according to the World Health Organization could even kill an adult in 24 hours. But cases are extremely rare and there are well known treatments available for this infection, including various antibiotics.
Although it’s been virtually eradicated in the developed world, it has appeared on the scene in recent years, but not beyond the odd case. Certainly, one single case in rural China is hardly reason to raise a pandemic alarm. According to Healthline, only a couple thousand cases are reported worldwide each year, most of which are located in Africa, India, and Peru, and also in the U.S. which records roughly seven cases a year mostly in Southwestern states, including Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas.
More likely, this is the government-media complex and its pharmaceutical benefactors flexing their post-COVID muscles again. We can expect more scares like this appearing periodically in our news headline feeds, partly because they generate clicks, views, and revenue for mainstream media outlets, but more importantly because these alarmist stories are priming the public for a further roll-out of ‘New Normal’ medical martial law policies and increased surveillance.
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