Three months on from the start of this crisis, UK government and many US states continue claiming there is some urgent need to keep large swaths of their economies and societies “locked down” – supposedly in fear of some random outbreak of coronavirus. These same governments and their appointed pedantic health officials are imposing ever-more bizarre restrictions and ‘guidelines’ designed to regulate normal social and human activities, all of which have little or no bearing on the spread of a seasonal respiratory viral infection. This even includes the questionable policy of banning normal religious service. Something serious is afoot, and its not a respiratory virus. Keen to enforce compliance to the illusory regime, a new class of ‘health and safety’ technocrats has emerged. A Corona Coup has taken place.
Dr Vernon Coleman reveals the pure lunacy of government claims on the threat posed by coronavirus, social distancing, masks, immunity passports, and mandatory vaccines. Watch:
Vernon Coleman is an English author, columnist and former general practitioner. He is the author of over 100 books, including works about healthcare, medicine, politics, sport, as well as a range of novels. See more of his work a
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