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Clinton’s Real Legacy: Glass-Steagall & The Banking Collapse

Back in 1998, during the twilight years of the Clinton Administration, Pam Martens, a former Wall Street employee turned activist warned America about the growing corruption in finance and government. It was too late however, as Bill Clinton was already locked on course to give Wall Street a parting gift that would eventually ruin the lives of millions of working Americans, as well as Greeks, Icelanders and so many others globally.

Wall Street On Parade writes:

“In this video she testifies before the Federal Reserve on June 26, 1998 as to why it would deliver a devastating blow to the U.S. financial system to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act. Seated to her left in this video is Galen Sherwin, then President of the NYC-National Organization for Women, who testified against Wall Street’s private justice system which, then and now, prevents both customer and employee claims from being heard in the Nation’s court system, delivering further impunity to Wall Street’s crimes.” Watch:

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