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Hillary Clinton Jokes: ‘They All Look Alike’ When Asked About Prominent Black Political Leaders

IMAGE: Cruella de Clinton: it certainly seems like it.

“Yeah, I know they all look alike,”
– Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Former Democratic Presidential candidate Hilary Clinton appears to be tipsy in this monumental gaff recorded this week, as she blurted out a racist joke.

Amazingly, the progressive audience laughed and thought it was funny – which is actually more telling than Clinton’s remark itself.

Sara Carter reports…

Hillary Clinton made an inappropriate joke about Sen. Corey Booker (D-NJ) and former Attorney General Eric Holder, telling an interviewer, “they all look alike” after the journalist mixed up the two political leaders.

In an interview on Friday with Recode co-founder and technology business journalist, Kara Swisher, Clinton made the comment after Swisher attributed Holder’s recent incendiary statement about “kicking” Republicans to Booker.


“What do you think of (Booker) saying ‘kick them in the shins’ essentially?” asked Swisher.

“Well, that was Eric Holder,” Clinton noted.

“Eric Holder, oh, Eric Holder, sorry,” Swisher said.

“Yeah, I know they all look alike,” said the former Secretary of State.

See the clip:

The Washington Examiner points out that during the same discussion, Clinton expressed her desire to be president.

“We’re going to talk about 2020 in a minute. Do you want to run again?” asked Swisher.

“No. No,” Clinton said.

“That was a pause…” said Swisher.

Clinton replied, “Well I’d like to be president. I think, hopefully, when we have a Democrat in the Oval Office in January of 2021, there’s going to be so much work to be done. I mean we have confused everybody in the world, including ourselves. We have confused our friends and our enemies. They have no idea what the United States stands for, what we’re likely to do, what we think is important, so the work would be work that I feel very well prepared for having been at the Senate for eight years, having been a diplomat in the State department, and it’s just going to be a lot of heavy lifting.”

Moves are afoot to try and table Hillary Clinton as the presumptive 2020 Democratic Party nominee for president, so this latest gaff certainly will not help and more likely will be featured in TV ads by her opponent.

SEE MORE HILLARY CLINTON NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Hillary Files




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