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SYRIA: Russia’s President Putin Reiterates Commitment to Fighting Terrorism in Letter to President Assad

Syria Times

President Putin, saying “I am confident that through our joint efforts, we will achieve victory and restore peace and stability to the Syrian territories.”

DAMASCUS,(ST)- H.E. President Bashar Al-Assadreceived a letter from his Russian Counterpart, H.E. President Vladimir Putin; the letter was conveyed by the Defence Minister of Russia, Sergey Shoigu.

In the letter President Putin congratulated President Assad on the breaking of the siege imposed on Deir Azzour for more than 3 years by daesh (ISIS) terrorists.

The plans as to continue the joint struggle, fight and cooperation between the Syrian Arab Army and Russian forces as to liberation of all of Deir Azzur from terrorism  was discussed during the meeting.

Assertion was made on the determination of both friendly countries as to pursue and bolster fighting terrorism in all of the Syrian regions till eliminating terrorism  fully as the war against terrorism is not only crucial for Syria but fateful for the entire region and would but draw through its consequences the future of the region people.

On September 5, President Putin congratulated President Assad on the great victory achieved by the Syrian Arab Army and represented in breaking the siege that has been imposed by ISIS terrorist organization on the people of Deir Azzour for almost three years.

In a cable, Putin highly evaluated this strategic victory and congratulated President Assad with such an important step toward the liberation of Syria from terrorism, vowing  continuous active support for the Syrian Army in its war on terrorism.

The Russian president expressed hope that the military operation in Deir Azzour will continue and the Syrian Army will be able to fortify its positions and completely break the siege in the Deir- Azzour airbase surrounding.

This achievement is an important step towards liberating Syria from the terrorist groups, stressed President Putin, saying “I am confident that through our joint efforts, we will achieve victory and restore peace and stability to the Syrian territories.”



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