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‘Nyet’: Bibi Crashes Putin’s Summer Holiday

21st Century Wire says…

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is off his mind. This time, in full crisis mode over Iran’s influence in Syria…

According to eyewitness accounts, “Bibi” was too emotional, almost to the point of panic, describing an apocalyptic scenario with Iran as he interrupted Russian President Vladimir Putin’s summer holiday in Sochi.

It was originally reported in the Jerusalem Post that Netanyahu threatened to bomb the Presidential Palace in Damascus and disrupt the Astana process if Iran continues to “extend its reach in Syria.”

Listen as SUNDAY WIRE host Patrick Henningsen paints this colorful picture, in classic radio sitcom style:

“Imagine Bibi interrupting Vlad’s lunch, as he tucks into a pierogi wearing his best tracksuit. Bibi speaks, and Putin’s response is simply…. Nyet.”

Israel has zero political leverage here. Netanyahu is acting out. His whole power base and legitimacy is based on Israel being under a constant threat. In this case, by Iran. A major sea change in the region for sure.

More @21WIRE:




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