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COVER-UP? New Details from Orlando Shooter’s Crisis Call Casts Light on FBI

Shawn Helton
21st Century Wire

Earlier this week, the FBI released new details regarding an apparent crisis negotiation call made between Orlando Pulse nightclub shooter Omar Mateen and authorities.

Will this new release reveal anything new about the Orlando shooting case, or will it continue a trend of unanswered questions regarding the incident?

SCRIPT CHANGE OR TRUE MOTIVE? – The FBI has released more details regarding a crisis call said to have been placed by Omar Mateen (Photo illustration: 21WIRE’s Shawn Helton)

Crisis Call Motive 

According to the Washington Free Beacon“[unredacted] transcripts were released by Orlando police Friday after a Florida court hearing held in response to a lawsuit filed by several news organizations.”

The new details supposedly reveal a motive in the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting.

Here’s an excerpt from the alleged shooter Mateen’s negotiation call featured in the Beacon:

“Yo, the air strike that killed Abu Wahid a few weeks ago… that’s what triggered it, okay?” said Mateen, who earlier in the conversation identified himself as a follower the Islamic State terror group.

“They should have not bombed and killed Abu Wahid,” the former security guard declared. “Do your fucking homework and figure out who Abu Wahid is, okay?”

The shooting suspect allegedly discussed concern over US airstrikes in Syria, supposedly stating the following:

“They need to stop the U.S. air strikes. You have to tell the U.S. government to stop bombing. They are killing too many children, they are killing too many women, okay?”

Given Mateen’s profile as stated by media and officials since June, the idea that he would be concerned with the lives of innocent civilians is patently absurd – making this latest, rather timely release, extremely suspect.

Mateen’s alleged crime confession via a crisis negotiation call, also smacks of another rewrite in the Pulse shooting saga, an event that displayed elements of foreknowledge and planning beyond that of a lonewolf. In addition, it was an incident littered with a number of anomalies and numerous intelligence connections. Although one cannot absolutely prove the scripted nature of this latest FBI release regarding the Pulse shooting, several quotes in the conversation stand out, falling in line with an all to familiar Western policy perspective regarding Syria and Iraq.

Interestingly, after a number of strange motives were initially attached to the Orlando shooting, we’re conveniently told it was ‘triggered’ by an airstrike apparently killing Abu Wahib in May of this year. Wahib was an al-Qaeda/ISIS leader well-known to authorities and according to the controversial intelligence linked media blog Long War Journal. He had been detained by US officials in 2006 and sentenced to death in 2012, only to mysteriously escape from Tikrit Central Prison after a large jailbreak:

“Abu Wahib, whose full name is Shakir Wahib al Fahdawi al Dulaimi, has been waging jihad in Iraq for more than a decade. He was detained by US forces in Ramadi in 2006 during the height of al Qaeda in Iraq’s insurgency.

The LWJ article continued by stating the following:

“Wahib was sentenced to death and transferred to Tikrit Central Prison. In November 2012, he escaped along with 110 inmates after the Islamic State of Iraq assaulted the prison. That jailbreak and others like it infused the Islamic State of Iraq with leaders and fighters who were captured during US and Iraqi military operations.”

Given Wahib’s lengthy criminal background and unexplained escape from prison, is it possible he may have been a Western intelligence asset released back into the public?

The theory may not be as far-fetched as it seems when considering there is a historical precedence for such activity…

In the aftermath of 9/11 up until 2006, the CIA operated a facility that was used to train terrorists to be double agents to supposedly infiltrate Al Qaeda terror cells. This program was called called Penny Lane.

Penny Lane was named after the Beatles tune and was connected to another secret facility called Strawberry Fields, a name also taken from the British rock group.

We were told that operation had been successful in its scope – but by 2013, the CIA had ‘lost touch’ with many of its newly trained double agents.

The Penny Lane facility was unlike any other building in the Guantanamo Bay prison area, as it was said to have beds, kitchens and a patio for its prisoners. The money to pay informants and double agents was also provided for by the CIA under the codename ‘Pledge.’

But how does this relate to the Orlando club shooting?

Drills & Informants 

Shortly after the Pulse shooting attack it was revealed that Mateen had been attending services at a Mosque, meeting with a known FBI informant named Marcus Dwayne Robertson (see left – also played role in 1993 WTC bombing), a former US Marine turned bank robber turned radical imam. Here’s this passage from Fox News describing Robertson’s role:

“It is no coincidence that this happened in Orlando,” said a law enforcement source familiar with Robertson’s history of recruiting terrorists and inciting violence. Mateen was enrolled in [Robertson’s online] Fundamental Islamic Knowledge Seminary.

Robertson and several associates were rounded up for questioning early Sunday, according to law enforcement sources, a development his attorney refused to confirm or deny.”

‘DISNEY MONEY BOMB?’ – Heavily orchestrated fundraising campaigns follow almost every dramatized mass shooting in America.  (Image Source: fox13news)

Fast-tracked Fundraisers 

Interestingly, on September 27th, the Orlando Weekly revealed that “Each of the families of the 49 victims killed in the massacre at the gay nightclub Pulse will get $350,000 from the OneOrlando Fund this week, though privately, they still have to iron out who will get what funds.”

The Weekly also disclosed the total charitable amount received:

“The OneOrlando Fund received $29.5 million from various sources, which will now be divided between families and survivors of the mass shooting. The funds will be distributed through the end of this week, Martins says.”

Additionally, the article continues, stating that even uninjured patrons the night of the shooting will receive quite a large sum from the fund:

“The families of the deceased victims received a larger share of the funds, totaling about $17.2 million. The 37 survivors who were hospitalized after the shooting will receive anywhere from $65,000 to $300,000 depending on how many nights they spent at the hospital, while 31 people who required outpatient treatment for their injuries will get $35,000 each. An additional 182 patrons of Pulse who were there when the shooting began but not injured will received $25,000 each.”

The amount granted to Orlando victims is strangely, nearly the same amount given to all of the Charleston church families affected by the suspicious shooting involving Dylann Roof. It turned out, that the Department of Justice fast-tracked $29 million dollars from the Crime Victim Assistance Formula Grant program, shortly after the tragedy.

According to OneOrlando’s own website, “The OneOrlando Board, chaired by Orlando Magic President Alex Martins, was developed to provide oversight and guidance to ensure that funds are dispersed in a timely, accountable and transparent manner.”

Other members of the board include the following as stated on OneOrlando’s website:

Rena Langley, Senior Vice President, Public Affairs & Worldwide Government and Industry Relations, Walt Disney World

Diane O’Dell, Vice President of Community Relations, Universal Orlando Resort

Stephanie Ghertner, Director, Darden Foundation & Community Affairs

Mark Meyer, Industry Manager, JPMorgan Chase

On another note, a woman claiming to have been injured at Pulse the night of the shooting, was denied funds, leading her to sue OneOrlando. Here’s the Orlando Sentinel on the matter:

Jillian Amador, who filed the suit asking for an audit, was at Pulse with friends on June 12. She initially filed the complaint on Friday in Orange County Circuit Court, but a judge tossed it because the respondents were not served. She refiled the petition Tuesday, seeking an emergency order to stop the payout, but Circuit Judge John E. Jordan again denied the request.”

VICTIM OR ACTOR? – The purported Pulse nightclub victim shown above was carried to the corner where he was seen walking off without assistance while still on camera. (Image Source: www.wftv.com)

Revisiting The Orlando Shooting

Back in June, here at 21WIRE, we discussed how the most important aspect of the FBI supplied 911 transcript had gone virtually unnoticed – as there was nothing in the contents of the transcript that discussed an actual shooting occurring inside of the Pulse nightclub.

While the report was a basic outline of ‘America’s largest mass shooting‘ it failed to account for any of the shootings said to have occurred within the interior of Pulse. There was no mention of bar patrons being shot or reportedly shot at in the FBI’s official narrative. It’s as if the mainstream media and authorities left out the biggest piece of the investigation, as the implications of who shot who and when are extremely significant forensically speaking.

While the description of the Orlando shooting included mention of the Orlando Police Department (OPD) pulling an air conditioning unit out of a Pulse “dressing room” to evacuate victims, a multi-call crisis negotiation, the alleged shooter’s outrageous claims of a ‘bomb-laced vest’ and authorities breaching the back wall of the nightclub with an explosive charge – there was no mention of additional shots fired at club goers inside Pulse?

CRIME SCENE PROTOCOL? – Multiple officials seen coming in and out of Pulse nightclub with and without CSI attire. (Image Source: boingboing)

In recent years, media press conference rituals backed by law enforcement officials have shaped a narrative within the first hours of a mass casualty event and even if that story turns out to be mostly false, the media runs with it anyway, whether or not new information and crime scene analysis belies the original story pushed by media. The most clear example of this happened during the aftermath of the WTC 1993 bombing, where major media outlets exposed it as an FBI run sting with their operators in control – yet still, media anchors still called it an al-Qaeda led attack.

Aspects of the orchestrated bombing in 1993 played out in another high profile case dubbed the Newburgh Sting…

In May of 2009, the investigative tactics of the FBI came into question, none perhaps more suspect than the ‘Newburgh sting’ an incident that involved the entrapment of four men in a fabricated terror event created by the bureau.

Here’s another look at a 2011 passage from The Guardian describing how an FBI informant named Shahed Hussain coerced four others to be involved in a fake terror plot:

The “Newburgh Four” now languish in jail. Hussain does not. For Hussain was a fake. In fact, Hussain worked for the FBI as an informant trawling mosques in hope of picking up radicals.

Yet far from being active militants, the four men he attracted were impoverished individuals struggling with Newburgh’s grim epidemic of crack, drug crime and poverty. One had mental issues so severe his apartment contained bottles of his own urine. He also believed Florida was a foreign country.

Hussain offered the men huge financial inducements to carry out the plot – including $250,000 to one man – and free holidays and expensive cars.

As defence lawyers poured through the evidence, the Newburgh Four came to represent the most extreme form of a controversial FBI policy to use invented terrorist plots to lure targets. “There has been no case as egregious as this. It is unique in the incentive the government provided. A quarter million dollars?” said Professor Karen Greenberg, a terrorism expert at Fordham University.”

So when you consider what happened in Orlando, one should question the lack of shooting details, in addition to conflicting eyewitness testimony- why have portions of this story still been left open for interpretation when every other part of the official timeline of events appears to be accounted for?

Here’s a portion reviewing the  FBI’s summary of events that excludes any mention of shots fired within Pulse:

“Based on OPD radio communications, there were no reports of shots being fired inside Pulse between the initial exchange of gunfire between responding officers and shooter, and the time of the final breach. During this time, the shooter communicated with an OPD 911 operator and an OPD crisis negotiator, and OPD radio communications reported that victims were being rescued.”

Here’s a more basic chronology of the Orlando shooting, as told by the FBI:

“2:02 a.m.: OPD call transmitted multiple shots fired at Pulse nightclub.

2:04 a.m.: Additional OPD officers arrived on scene.

2:08 a.m.: Officers from various law enforcement agencies made entrance to Pulse and engaged the shooter.

2:18 a.m.: OPD SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) initiated a full call-out.

2:35 a.m.: Shooter contacted a 911 operator from inside Pulse.

3:03 a.m.: Second crisis negotiation call occurred lasting approximately 16 minutes.

3:24 a.m.: Third crisis negotiation call occurred lasting approximately three minutes.

4:21 a.m.: OPD pulled an air conditioning unit out of a Pulse dressing room window for victims to evacuate.

4:29 a.m.: As victims were being rescued, they told OPD the shooter said he was going to put four vests with bombs on victims within 15 minutes.

5:02 a.m.: OPD SWAT and OCSO Hazardous Device Team began to breach wall with explosive charge and armored vehicle to make entry.

5:14 a.m.: OPD radio communication stated that shots were fired.

5:15 a.m.: OPD radio communication stated that OPD engaged the suspect and the suspect was reported down.”

The Orlando shooting details state “multiple shots [were] fired at Pulse nightclub at 2:02 am, as “Additional OPD officers arrived on scene,” at 2:04 am, with law enforcement engaging the shooter at 2:08 am – again, there is no other mention of shots fired until police exchange fire with the alleged suspect after breaching the wall at 5:15 am.

Matten’s weapons of choice during the apparent attack were a Sig Sauer MCX .223 caliber rifle and a Glock 17 9mm semi-auto pistol –  and according to the official story, and he was far more accurate than most well-trained law enforcement agents, defying statistical averages as examined by the Rand Corporation below.

Question: Would it have really been possible for the alleged gunman Omar Mateen to have accurately shot over 100 people, take hostages and then engage in a fire fight with officers in just a 6 minute time frame?

This scenario is hardly likely, if not impossible.

Here’s another look at an extensive study conducted by Rand Corporation that involved the NYPD:

According to a 2008 Rand Corporation study evaluating the New York Police Department’s firearm training, between 1998 and 2006, the average hit rate during gunfights was just 18 percent. When suspects did not return fire, police officers hit their targets 30 percent of the time.

Many other such studies and risk assessments exist throughout law enforcement organizations nationwide, and most come to very similar conclusions as the RAND study. The odds are almost zero that the Pulse event was so drastically different – unless there was an intentional, or staged element at play here.

Did the Police Kill Most of the Club Goers?

Another aspect of the Orlando shooting attack was the possibility that many patrons could have been injured by authorities, something that also seemed to be absent from the official story. Here’s a passage from WFAA8, an ABC affiliate discussing that point:

“Orlando Police Chief John Mina and other law enforcement officers offered new details about the shooting, including the possibility that some victims may have been killed by officers trying to save them.

“I will say this, that’s all part of the investigation,” Mina said. “But I will say when our SWAT officers, about eight or nine officers, opened fire, the backdrop was a concrete wall, and they were being fired upon.”

Police also used an explosive charge and a Bearcat armored vehicle to breach the wall as civilians were allegedly holed up in a bathroom. This has led some critics to consider the possibility that non-combatants could have become collateral damage during the SWAT siege at Pulse.

Below is YouTube clip from TRUNEWS displaying FOX News analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano discussing how no one had died in the Pulse club prior to the SWAT building breach…

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