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Russia Killed 28,000 Terrorists in Syria, Including One Third of ISIS Militants

21st Century Wire says…

These are the kind of results you can achieve when you are serious about stopping terrorism.

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Evgeny Lukyanov, the deputy head of Russia’s top security body, has announced the extent of the success of Russia’s anti-terror operation in Syria:

“We estimate that at the beginning of our operation Al-Nusra Front and Islamic State possessed about 80,000 fighters, of whom 28,000 (35 percent) have already been eliminated.”

“This is the result of our actions together with the Syrian Army.”

While Russia managed to achieve this in just a matter of months, he added this about the US-led campaign in the region:

“Well, the US-led anti-terrorist coalition eliminated an additional 5,000 in two years.”

This can be interpreted in a couple of different ways.

Firstly, Russia may have just demonstrated the level of effectiveness that an intervention can achieve when it is conducted in concert with the sovereign government involved.

Secondly, it might suggest that the US was deliberately conducting a lacklustre campaign, hoping that the terrorist forces would somehow be able to overthrow Assad; a goal of theirs for some time now.

What do you think accounts for Russian success and American failure?

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THE FULL STORY ON SYRIA: 21st Century Wire Syria Files



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