Survey: You’ll Never Guess What Americans Are Most Afraid Of…
Out of 88 potential horrors this batch of 1,500+ Americans were asked to rank in regard to their personal level of fear in 2015, you’ll never guess what the number one thing people are most afraid of in this country…
Or perhaps you will.
Americans are more afraid of their own corrupt government than ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING ELSE including death, rape, murder, nuclear war, pandemics, terrorism, zombies, and even clowns.
What an amazingly sad statement on modern America and the times we are living in.
The survey can be found here.
Americans Deepest Fears
Are Americans today afraid of criminals with guns or a government that would seek to disarm its citizens?
The impositions of the system now rank higher among worry than hyped factors like terrorism – with distrust at very high levels among citizens and consumers alike. People are becoming disconnected from the wealth and prosperity they once knew, and instead are facing a collapsing system that wishes to loot from its populace as the ship goes down.
Dearly held rights in the American tradition are under threat today of vanishing, of being upended by a machine with secret designs.
Corporate schemers, conniving bankers and corrupt government insiders are driving perpetual wars, a damaged economy, disappearing jobs and diminishing chances of achieving the American dream.
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