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Guardian: ‘You can’t take the Litvinenko report seriously’

21st Century Wire says…

This latest article in the Guardian deconstructs British judge Robert Owen’s imaginative Litvinenko conspiracy report…

This latest report by writer William Dunkerley more or less reiterates what 21WIRE has said previously – that the Litvinenko-FSB-Putin polonium conspiracy theory appears to have been made up.

Among the stunning revelations in this Guardian piece is the fact that Britain’s colorful ‘Putin Plot’ was paid for by exiled Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky, an arch-enemy of Putin, who hired the London-based PR firm Bell Pottinger who’s motto is, “Creating, Shaping, Selling Your Story” – in order to spin-up the Litvinenko plot to a gullible western media and its legions of relatively clueless ‘journalists.’

Very interesting indeed…


Six reasons you can’t take the Litvinenko report seriously

William Dunkerley


(…) I’ve been analysing this case since Litvinenko’s death, and I’ve followed the inquiry closely. I don’t know whether or not his murder was ordered by the Russian president or anyone in the Kremlin. What I do know is that Owen’s findings are not supported by reliable evidence.

The report relies on hearsay and is marred by inconsistent logic. It offers no factual insights into what really happened to Litvinenko, yet has been taken as gospel truth by governments and pundits across the west.

Here are some of the problems…

READ MORE LITVINENKO NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Litvinenko Files



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