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Arizona dinosaur John McCain announces he will drag on for ANOTHER term

21st Century Wire says…

Campaigners for world peace and innocent civilians worldwide were dealt a severe blow today, as the aging Arizona war hawk, US Senator John McCain (R) announced his plans to seek yet another term in office.

McCain announced his reelection bid today over lunch at the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Phoenix, stating, “With a full heart, I ask Arizonans again for their support as I seek re-election to the United States Senate. I’m as determined as ever to deserve your trust and grateful as ever for the privilege.”

“I work 16-hour days. Look at what I’ve done for Arizona and America,” he claimed in a statement to Associated Press. “Make your own judgment.”

That’s exactly it. Besides acting as a sales rep for major defense contractors like Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Raytheon, what have you done for America Mr. McCain?

Let’s pontificate on that for a minute…

In 2008, in the middle of his pantomime GOP presidential run, John McCain and Barack Obama both re-routed their campaign schedule and went to Washington DC to lobby Congress and Senate to PASS the disasterous banker bailout bill.

That act alone should’ve been enough to end McCain’s political career, but as we’ll demonstrate, he was just warming up.

EMBARRASSMENT: McCain has been prone to gaffes his entire career.

Back in May 2013, Senator McCain made an illegal trip into northern Syria where he is on record as meeting with known members of terrorist factions while claiming that these were “moderate rebels”. Aside from the fact that this trip was paid for with US taxpayer money, McCain clearly made promises to these terrorist fighters which he could not keep, namely that the US would successfully frame the Assad government for using chemical weapons in order to begin a US-led attack on Syria – only that plan failed miserably a few months later in August 2013.

McCain keeps some interesting company, meeting with terrorist fighters in Syria.

Later on, in December 2013, McCain fired-up his frequent flyer card again, but this time with a trip to Kiev, Ukraine, to lead a pep rally in Maidan Square in support of the NeoNazi fascist coup d’état which took place a few months later in February 2014. During that trip, McCain was unapologetic about meeting with openly Nazi and antisemitic opposition leaders in Kiev.

McCain leading pro-fascist rally in Kiev, pictured next to NeoNazi-affiliated ‘Right Sector’ leader Oleh Tyahnybok.

With the real possibility of a preemptive strike, or a major bombing raid against Iran on the horizon, you can be sure that McCain would want a front row seat to that fireworks show. Smoloko.com explains McCain’s  recent reinforcement of his pro-war position with regards to Iran:

“…Congress…recognize(s) the threat of the Iranian nuclear program,” he blustered.

“Although (terms of a possible deal) could modestly slow Iran’s nuclear program, I am concerned by certain elements of the proposed agreement including the continued development of advanced centrifuges capable of producing potential nuclear bomb material at a high rate.”

“I also want to see the military dimensions of the program and their domestic uranium enrichment capacity addressed and resolved responsibly.”

Fact: The whole world knows Iran’s nuclear program is peaceful.

Fact: It has no military component.

Fact: Annual US intelligence assessments say so.

Fact: McCain knows it. He has access to US intelligence on Iran and other countries.

Fact: He wants S. 269 legislation enacted – imposing more lawless sanctions on Iran on top of existing ones.

Fact: He absurdly calls Iran’s peaceful/legitimate nuclear program “malign activity.”

Fact: He wants confrontation with Tehran – not responsible resolution of longstanding differences.

“He urges Israel to “go rogue.” He supports bombing Iran – preemptively attacking a nonbelligerent country threatening no one.

“The Israelis need to chart their own path of resistance,” McCain blustered.

He and numerous other hardline senators from both parties back Senate Res. 65. One analyst calls it a “Backdoor to War” bill.

Draft language later softened without changing its intent said Congress “urges that, if the Government of Israel is compelled to take military action in self-defense, the United States Government should stand with Israel and provide diplomatic, military, and economic support to the Government of Israel in its defense of its territory, people, and existence.”

Many pundits commented on how McCain was “out to lunch” and unfit for public office after he was caught playing video poker on his iPhone during U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing in Sept 2013 where legislators were discussing the possibility of bombing of Syria. This incident should give voters an indication of where McCain’s priorities are really at.

AP reports on a possible Arizona challenger to the aging war hawk, stating this week, “The most prominent Republican to hint of challenging McCain is AZ  State Sen. Kelli Ward, a conservative member of the Arizona Legislature. Ward said she is still “testing the waters” but knows she’ll have to raise between $5 million and $10 million to beat McCain, who already has more than $3.5 million in cash on hand and the ability to raise much more.

Perhaps McCain wants to emulate the late Strom Thurman who served for 48 years until the age of 99 as a United States Senator from South Carolina.

If that is indeed the case, and McCain did serve until the age of 99, the only saving grace would be that (assuming we are all still around in the year 2035) he would not have reached his apparent goal of a third world war by then.

READ MORE JOHN MCCAIN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire McCain Files



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