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Third World USA: An Oil Spill in Your Own Neighborhood

21st Century Wire says…

It’s a scene of corporate malevolence that you normally see in Third World countries like Peru, or Nigeria…

Oil barons have found a soft touch in North America now, and Americans are quickly discovering – what’s it’s like to live in a Third World country.

To date, there is no technology to genuinely clean this variant of industrial mess.

Who is going to clean up the mess?

Brasscheck TV


1. Crude oil is toxic – very toxic. 
2. The US has 2.5 million miles of pipelines carrying oil (and gas). 
3. Many of these pipelines are 50 years old or older.
4. They are poorly maintained and regulated. 
5. The oil industry’s standard for discovering problems is to let them happen first.

Does this sound like a recipe for disaster to you? It should. 2.5 MILLION miles of these things…


READ MORE ENERGY NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Energy



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