21st Century Wire says…
Those who are still in denial, go google it.
How many parents do you know who give cigarettes to their 8 year old child? If you let your children use cell phones, then there may come a day when your children can, and will – sue the ass off you.
It’s also great for the cancer industry – the sicker we get, the more money they make.
RT Reports…
The Truthseeker: ‘Casualty catastrophe’ – Cell phones & child brains
Insurers stop covering for cell phone use, called the next ‘casualty catastrophe’ after tobacco and asbestos; phone manufacturers hit with a class action and personal lawsuits; and the warning deep inside your mobile.
Seek truth from facts with Ellie Marks, whose husband Alan is suing the industry for his brain tumor, ‘cell phone survivor’ Bret Bocook, leading radiation biologist Prof. Dariusz Leszczynski, Microwave News editor Dr. Louis Slesin, Storyleak editor Anthony Gucciardi, and former senior White House adviser Dr. Devra Davis.
Read the full transcript here http://on.rt.com/jnaahv
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