When we hear mainstream news reporting on violent tragedies at home or overseas, why is the only focus on the act itself and its perpetrator(s)?
Especially for those incidents where many pass on– why do we not place a greater importance in remembering those who gave their lives so we could learn, rather than creating drama and promoting the emotional burden of the event? The Earth is moving beyond dimensional realities that have restricted our awareness to polarity and victim-perpetrator relationships. Where we place our focus moving forward is paramount and will define our priorities while expanding our state of consciousness.
Our inner awareness of thoughts, emotions, memories, images all reflect in our reality. When extreme acts of violence occur within this reality, they may often be exploited and used to change or further reinforce our current level of awareness.
For example, there are thousands of innocent children who die every day in the midst of many wars and economic turmoil initiated by the same politicians who hypocritically demand the disarming of their own citizens due to mass shootings such as those that recently took place in Colorado and Connecticut. The lives lost overseas are just as cherished and significant as those on our own soil, yet the distortions in the media neglect to make those comparisons so that a segment of consciousness echo that distortion.
The focus is always on the perceived evil that men do. There is never an emphasis on remembering the actual victims or their names, only the gunmen and the image of how they are portrayed in the media. Despite many of these gunmen passing on themselves, they continue to be vilified, persecuted and chastised for months and even years after the fact. They represent the continuous creation of evil entities that serve as symbols for a malevolent purpose.
We have been conditioned to ignore the thousands of children who die every day at the expense of what politicians claim is freedom, yet an opportunity is never missed to exploit the deaths that can easily bind to an emotional objective and serve a political function.
The majority agree to these psychological tactics, otherwise they would not exist. With the consent of the majority, there are great powers on Earth that influence the movement of this psychological conditioning which ultimately defines human behavior and our culture. We have accepted this conditioning so that many souls on Earth may influence a change in their vibrational alignment.
The powers that be are also wise to our ascension. They are holding on to the old world because they think they can stop the wave of positivity that is surrounding the Earth. They can’t, but they still must try with the only tools they know creating choas, fear and control.
We have all programmed ourselves into believing that there are actually victims and perpetrators. All you are seeing is perspective. The entire universe is created from projected frequencies which change the vibrational states of all things including people. There are only transmitters of these vibrational states and their receivers. The finest components of our DNA are designed to receive these frequencies and our biology responds to them.
The vibrational universe empowers us. If we do not enjoy the status of our lives, we can transform how we think and feel and the universe will respond. In a vibrational universe, there are no victims, only matching vibrations. Therefore, the victim of a crime is as much responsible for the experience as the perpetrator. It may be an offensive and outrageous statement to many, but it is fully supported by the laws of the universe.
These universal laws continue to be aggressively denied, but the scales are tipping at a phenomenal pace. The only reason the mainstream media continues to have voice in the hearts and minds of people is that the great powers of Earth (of which we are a part of) understand how to manipulate a segment of mass consciousness into maintaining a specific vibration that suits the status quo, but that is reversing itself.
We are making huge strides in our ability to see beyond polarity consciousness and understand that we are all connected, including those who are the perpetrators of mass shootings and what we consider to be their victims. They are all a unit formed under a contractual obligation to provide services to one another–to expand consciousness on a scale much greater than ever imagined.
We May Not Need Any Drama To Change The Earth
When will the next world war begin? When will the global economy implode? When will the next event occur that assaults human rights on a territorial scale? Perhaps all, some or none of these things will happen. We’re all deciding right now. One of the things many who are ascending have hoped for is drama. Many of us have thought that a match must be lit and a bomb must explode for profound changes to occur and the rest of humanity who we consider to be in an “altered state of consciousness” to wake up. Not necessarily…