Peter Sterry
21st Century Wire
Senior Researcher
The current wave of shock and disgust at the discovery that Jimmy Savile was a systematic sexual predator should not be confined to the disgraced former television presenter.
With every passing day it seems, more evidence emerges of Savile’s repulsive activities at Stoke Mandeville and Broadmoor hospitals (who gave Jimmy the keys to Broadmoor anyway?), along with various other hospitals and morgues around the country, as well as, of course – at the old BBC Television Centre.
As each new story comes out, it becomes more and more evident that there certainly was knowledge at the highest levels of media and entertainment of Savile’s deeds.
Even Piers Morgan laughed-off potential warnings of Savile’s under-aged habits while editor of the Sun’s Bizarre Column in the early 90’s.
Much worse than his own sordid habits, however, is that penchant for young children was not an isolated phenomenon. The deceased disc jockey was also a regular visitor to the notorious Haut La Garenne Childrens’ Home in Jersey, but much less well-known, is that Savile wasn’t always acting solely for himself.
Jimmy, ever the Fixer, was a regular at the notorious Haut La Garenne Children’s Home in the 1970s.
Solicitor Allan Collins represents 42 people who were abused in Jersey care homes such as Haut de la Garenne and says a number of his clients have named Savile in investigations.
Collins says, “The memories are there, they are very vivid, as regards to allegations of abuse, they certainly came up at the beginning of the case four to five years ago but were very difficult to interpret because we were talking about Jimmy Savile.”
Why the fact that the allegations were about Jimmy Savile made then extra difficult “to interpret” Collins doesn’t explain. He went on to add here, “It is very difficult to judge and it is just a great shame that people now talking to the media hadn’t come forward four or five years ago as it may have made it easier to get to the truth of the allegations.”
The Daily Express also reported that Savile kept a “special room” where he took young girls after appearing at the Empire Ballroom in Leeds during the late 1950s.
According to one woman’s account:
“I was 14 and remember my older sister telling me that I must not go near the stage door because Savile and another star kept a ‘special room’ where they took young girls”.
“I’d wanted to get his autograph until then. I was terrified.”

Claire’s diary was given to the notorious London police. No action was taken against all the people named in her diary.
A recent Daily Mail story retold the horrific account of the young Claire McAlpine, another likely, if not fatal victim of Savile and friends:
Back in the Seventies, when Jimmy Savile was at the height of his fame, he was interviewed by a newspaper about the death of a teenage girl. The youngster was Claire McAlpine. She was just 15 years old and had been a regular dancer in the audience of Top Of The Pops.
On the morning of March 29, 1971, Claire, a former convent school pupil, was found lying on the floor of her bedroom at home in Watford, Hertfordshire, by her distraught mother. She had taken a fatal overdose.
Near her body was a bottle of tablets and her red diary. ‘Don’t laugh at me for being dramatic, but I just can’t take it any more,’ Claire wrote.”
It was her last heartbreaking entry to her parents before she killed herself.
Jersey: A Safe Haven for Paedophiles
In what some describe as the ‘abuse-friendly’ enclave of Jersey though, Savile was by no means the exception. Mr Collins said the reason more people had not gone to the police about Savile was because of how wide the Jersey historical abuse inquiry was. A three-year long £7.5m investigation by Jersey police into historical child abuse began after allegations of abuse at former children’s home Haut de la Garenne. From September 2007, police took 1,776 statements from 192 alleged victims, identifying 151 alleged abusers and seven people were successfully prosecuted.
Much less well known is that another visitor to the Haute Garrene Childrens Care Home in Jersey, was former Conservative Prime Minister Sir Edward ‘Ted’ Heath. That Heath was gay isn’t in much doubt any more, but clues to his alleged abuse of children is only now – as it is with Savile – starting to emerge, as is the genuine connection between the two men. Sadly, their status, along with their lofty official titles within British society, appears to have protected them from public scorn while they were alive.
Former London Assembly member and openly gay Brian Coleman said it was ‘common knowledge’ among Conservatives that Sir Edward had been given a stern warning about ‘cottaging’ by the police when he underwent background checks for the for the post of Privy Councillor.
In an article for the New Statesman magazine, Mr Coleman claimed that gay men had run the Conservative Party in the capital for years, whether as officials, councillors or volunteers. He wrote that Britain ‘had managed for decades with gay men holding a significant number of public offices’. Peter Tatchell, of the gay rights group OutRage! adds, “It’s a long-standing open secret. It is amazing his sexuality wasn’t the subject of tabloid revelations during his lifetime.” Just as amazing as the non-outing of Jimmy Savile’s activities.
Numerous recollections exist on various online forums of specific reports at the time, of an ‘open secret’ – that Heath was warned – on at least four occasions by the head of the Metropolitan police, not to loiter in London’s lavatories and not to try to pick up young boys, and a less well-known one, is that he was severely reprimanded by the security services for picking up a rent boy who turned out to be a double agent. Heath was also named as a visitor to the controversial Kincora Boys Home in east Belfast – the scene of yet more, and well-documented incidents of homosexual paedophilia.
Other loose reports are abound of the name ‘Mr. Eddy’ was well-known on the cottaging mecca of Hampstead Heath and at the boys home nearby in the seventies. Fearful of discovery a la Ron Brown, Heath allegedly used an intermediary to bring him fresh young boy meat. And the identity of one of the persons bringing children for Heath to abuse? Yes, you’ve guessed it… Jimmy Savile.
There are also unconfirmed reports of Heath regularly procuring young boys from certain care homes – including Haut La Garenne – away for weekends on his yacht , named the Morning Cloud, or as bodyguards referred to it, the “Morning Sickness” – presumably alluding to Heath’s extracurricular activities acted out on board.
When Tory party conferences were held in Blackpool, Heath’s yacht would normally be moored offshore. A credible witness, a former member of the Special Boat Service assigned to guard the boat, says Savile was regularly seen taking young boys on board Heath’s yacht the Morning Cloud when they were at a Conservative party conference. In addition to Heath, Savile was – allegedly – well-known for supplying a number of high profile MP’s with children for them to sexually abuse.
Why Heath Pushed Britain into the EU
Researchers speculate about whether or not, under the threat of exposure, how PM Heath was forced to enter Britain into the Common Market, now the European Union, with no real public referendum. It still puzzles experts how he became PM in front of the immensely popular, and more intelligent Enoch Powell, who to all intents and purposes would have been the Prime Minister of choice for his party.
Institutional pedophilia could certainly explain some of the strange appointments and directions in elite politics over the generations.
Savile: in his own words
Jimmy’s connections didn’t end there though. He often boasted of his royal connections – Diana described him as a kind of mentor to Charles – of his friendships with successive Prime Ministers, and he maintained his connections to the top of the Tory party long after Ted’s downfall.

Thatcher and Savile enjoyed cosy evenings at Chequers. She took milk from children, he gave them something else instead.
Another favourite boast of his was that he was a regular Christmas guest of the Thatcher’s at Chequers, slipping his feet off in front of the Prime Ministerial fire.
Jimmy loved nothing more than moving silently in warm corridors, whether those of power or those in children’s homes, mental hospitals, morgues or the BBC.
In an interview with Esquire Magazine he described himself as, “The eminence grise: the grey, shadowy figure in the background. The thing about me is I get things done and I work under cover.”
We thought he was simply a flamboyantly dressed disc jockey and TV presenter. What could he have been referring to ?
Get things done… but for who ?
Ever the flunky and a sucker for all things regal, Jimmy collected an impressive array of chivalric titles from assorted luminaries.
For starters, Jimmy was made Order pro merito Melitensi by the Knights of Malta.
That’s a honour reserved for not just anyone in politics – or show business.
Savile was given a very grand sounding Papal knighthood, Knight Commander of the Order of St.Gregory The Great, by that other well-known protector of paedophiles, Pope John Paul II.
He was also Knighted, by the Queen, in 1990 – just as Thatcher left office.
It’s finally worth noting here, that Sir Jimmy’s long trail of dubious distinctions began back in 1972 in the Queens Birthday honours list – with an OBE, quite possibly as a ‘thank you’ for services rendered from his old chum, at that time Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Edward ‘Ted’ Heath….
Smashing, wouldn’t you say?
READ MORE SAVILE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Pedo Files