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Cooking Boston’s Backstory: Bomb Squad Scrambled to ‘Diffuse’ Empty Pressure Cooker

21st Century Wire says…

After AG Eric Holder and his Department of Justice proclaimed that the alleged kitchen pressure cooker they claim was used in the Boston Bombing – should henceforth be classed as a ‘WMD’, police bomb-tech teams are now regularly being dispatched in the event any of these new ‘WMDs’ are spotted in public.

That’s right, a totally new class of domestic WMD

PHOTO: Washington’s latest brainwave – a new addition to the ‘WMD’ family. Now millions of Americans are risk of being charged with possession of one.

It’s hard not to scratch your head after Dzokhar Tsarnaev was charged by the DOJ with one count of ‘using and conspiring to use a pressure cooker as a weapon of mass destruction’. Who would have known a pressure cooker which was too big to even fit into any of the two brothers’ backpacks, could produce a colorful ‘Hollywood-perfect’ explosion plume at the finish line that day.

THE BIG BOSTON LIE: Made for TV, perfect sets, but not from a pressure cooker.

Yes, they say they are just doing their job, and ‘keeping us safe’, but from what?

Meanwhile, here is what passes for news these days in Boston…


Bomb Squad Destroys Pressure Cooker On East Boston Street

CBS Local

EAST BOSTON (CBS) – The bomb squad destroyed a pressure cooker left unattended on a street in East Boston Tuesday morning.

Boston Police were called to a house on Lexington Street near the O’Donnell Elementary School around 9:30 a.m. after the device was discovered on the sidewalk.

The electrical charge is sent along the yellow line. (WBZ-TV)

The yellow line is part of what police call the disruption device. (WBZ-TV)

A member of the bomb squad set up a disruption device near the pressure cooker and a few minutes later it was blown up. No one was hurt.

A fraction of a second later, the pressure cooker was destroyed. (WBZ-TV)

A fraction of a second later, the pressure cooker was destroyed. (WBZ-TV)

Police later said the pressure cooker was empty.

Editors Note: Watch the full video, as police “neutralize the WMD threat”. The cop interviewed keeps saying, “It’s no joke”, but it kind of is. Boston police aren’t all that thick, and know that Boston was a staged event – but clearly aren’t yet brave enough to step up and question the FBI’s comedy fiction version of what happened at the Boston Bombing last April. Any cop who would dare question the FBI’s nutty official explanation of what happened before, during and after the Boston Bombing – would most certainly be fired or demoted to writing parking tickets. Not a good move if you have a  mortgage and a wife and kids to support.

The police announced that the nearby school was put into “safe mode” – a new term introduced alongside the now popular “shelter in place”, another official emergency term which sounds great in news reports and even better in the latest ’24’-style TV action programs.

Still, it’s hard not to laugh too hard when you see how much the media are hyping this incident ahead of this year’s 2014 Boston Marathon – of a discarded kitchen pot left out for garbage.

Any mention of who placed the empty kitchen pot there? Of course not. In all actuality, what is shown by CBS below looks more like a perfectly scripted police drill – with the media invited along for the ride.

READ MORE BOSTON BOMBING NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Boston Bombing Files



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