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In Plain Sight: The ‘non-investigation’ of the Robert Kennedy assassination

21st Century Wire says…

Who really killed Robert Kennedy? Was it just another random, lone gunman?

It not only suits the odds, but it’s also logical to see a relationship between the murders of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. It stands to reason -based on the true political motivations behind each of these murders – that they may very well have been organized by the same group of powerful men. Those same powers are still running Washington DC today.

After the murder, of course, you need the cover-up…

It’s a simple story…

Brasscheck TV

Robert Kennedy vehemently opposed the Vietnam War.

He had a very real chance of becoming President.

Instead he got a bullet in the back of the head at close range – from someone shooting in front of him over 10 feet away (another “magic” bullet I guess).

Johnson was President when this happened. J. Edgar Hoover was FBI Director. The CIA was not reformed as was President Kennedy’s stated wish the month before he was murdered in Dallas, Texas in broad daylight.

Vincent Bugliosi’s buddies at LAPD handled the investigation (i.e. framing and evidence tampering and destruction).

SEE MORE JFK STORIES AT: 21st Century Wire JFK Files



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