21WIRE | The latest round of protests comes after the government’s push to enact new draconian legislation meant to ‘fight the pandemic.’
Australia Vaccine-Mandate Protesters Compare State Gov’t to Nazis
Filed Under: Featured, International News, News Locker Tagged With: Australia, COVID 19, Dan Andrews, fascism, Five Eyes, Melbourne, Nazis, NWO, social engineering, Vaccine Passports, Vaccines
Helen Dale: The Roots of Australia’s Authoritarianism and Police Corruption

21WIRE + GB News | The origins of institutional corruption in the Australia’s police forces, and why government is predisposed to totalitarian rule.
Filed Under: Featured, International News, News Locker Tagged With: Australia, Authoritarian, Coronavirus, COVID 19, Dan Andrews, Lockdown, Melbourne, Orwellian, police state, totalitarianism