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MSM Partisan America: ‘You’re Being Instructed Not to Notice This’

21WIRE | Reactionary lockdowns and social justice riots have damaged both the national and local economies, not to mention tearing society apart. And the media do not want you to talk about it.

The World Welcomes Its Newest Country – CHAZ

21WIRE | A humorous yet critical look at this ridiculous ‘idea’ of a homegrown nation-state brought to life by liberal mobs and their corporate media enablers.

Watch US Cops Run Away When Anarchy Ensues on Our Streets

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | A graphic display of what you can count on from “law enforcement” when the s*** hits the fan.

Typhoon Haiyan Disaster: Eating Rats and Stray Dogs After Running Out of Food

21WIRE + Epoch Times | Millions in aid and money has been ‘lost’, and so chaos has filled the gap.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue