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Israel Attacks ‘Iranian-Linked’ Airbase in Aleppo, Syria

This latest report indicates Israel used its ‘Iranian-linked’ proviso to attack Syria once again – and likely the third airstrike on the country in the past week.

Update: It’s now being reported that at least 22 people have been killed in the attack.

IMAGE: A map showing the location of Al-Nayrab airbase in Aleppo, Syria. It’s been reported that Israel attacked the airbase over the weekend. (Map source: syria.liveumap.com)


Israel attacks Syrian military targets seemingly several times per week at this point. On Sunday, however, they carried out a very rare flurry of missile strikes in the far north of Syria, hitting Nayrab military airport in Aleppo.

Nayrab is being called an “Iranian-linked base” by Israeli media, and is adjacent to the international airport there. The attacks were confirmed by several different outlets, but exactly what was accomplished in the attack is disputed.

Syrian state media outlet SANA said only damage to material was accomplished, while other outlets reported multiple casualties, including at least two dead Syrian soldiers from the strike. There is no official report on casualties yet.

The Israeli military, as usual, offered no comment on the strikes, saying they don’t comment on reports which emerged in foreign media. Israeli media outlets are generally treating this as a probable attack, however, making it the third Israeli strike in Syria in the past week.


This report was originally published at Antiwar.com

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